Study of Exclusive Charmless Semileptonicbdecays and Extraction Of|vub|at CLEO

D. M. Asner,K. W. Edwards,R. A. Briere,T. Ferguson,G. Tatishvili,H. Vogel,M. E. Watkins,J. L. Rosner,N. E. Adam,J. P. Alexander,D. G. Cassel,J. E. Duboscq,R. Ehrlich,L. Fields,L. Gibbons,R. Gray,S. W. Gray,D. L. Hartill,B. K. Heltsley,D. Hertz,C. D. Jones,J. Kandaswamy,D. L. Kreinick,V. E. Kuznetsov,H. Mahlke-Krueger,T. O. Meyer,P. U. E. Onyisi,J. R. Patterson,D. Peterson,J. Pivarski,D. Riley,A. Ryd,A. J. Sadoff,H. Schwarthoff,X. Shi,S. Stroiney,W. M. Sun,T. Wilksen,M. Weinberger,S. B. Athar,R. Patel,V. Potlia,J. Yelton,P. Rubin,C. Cawlfield,B. I. Eisenstein,I. Karliner,D. Kim,N. Lowrey,P. Naik,M. Selen,E. J. White,J. Wiss,R. E. Mitchell,M. R. Shepherd,D. Besson,T. K. Pedlar,D. Cronin-Hennessy,K. Y. Gao,J. Hietala,Y. Kubota,T. Klein,B. W. Lang,R. Poling,A. W. Scott,A. Smith,P. Zweber,S. Dobbs,Z. Metreveli,K. K. Seth,A. Tomaradze,J. Ernst,K. M. Ecklund,H. Severini,W. Love,V. Savinov,O. Aquines,Z. Li,A. Lopez,S. Mehrabyan,H. Mendez,J. Ramirez,G. S. Huang,D. H. Miller,V. Pavlunin,B. Sanghi,I. P. J. Shipsey,B. Xin,G. S. Adams,M. Anderson,J. P. Cummings,I. Danko,D. Hu,B. Moziak,J. Napolitano,Q. He,J. Insler,H. Muramatsu,C. S. Park,E. H. Thorndike,F. Yang,T. E. Coan,Y. S. Gao,M. Artuso,S. Blusk,J. Butt,J. Li,N. Menaa,R. Mountain,S. Nisar,K. Randrianarivony,R. Sia,T. Skwarnicki,S. Stone,J. C. Wang,K. Zhang,G. Bonvicini,D. Cinabro,M. Dubrovin,A. Lincoln
Abstract:We have studied semileptonic B decay to the exclusive charmless states pi, rho/omega, eta and eta(') using the full 15.5 fb(-1) CLEO Upsilon(4S) sample, with measurements performed in subregions of phase space to minimize dependence on a priori knowledge of the form factors involved. We find total branching fractions B(B-0 ->pi(-)l(+)nu)=(1.37 +/- 0.15(stat)+/- 0.11(sys))x10(-4) and B(B-0 ->rho(-l+)nu)=(2.93 +/- 0.37(stat)+/- 0.37(sys))x10(-4). We find evidence for B+->eta('l+)nu, with B(B+->eta('l+)nu)=(2.66 +/-+/- 0.80(stat)+/- 0.56(sys))x10(-4) and 1.20x10(-4)< B(B+->eta('l+)nu)< 4.46x10(-4) (90% CL). We also limit B(B+->eta(l+)nu)< 1.01x10(-4) (90% CL). By combining our B ->pi l nu information with unquenched lattice calculations, we find |V-ub|=(3.6 +/- 0.4(stat)+/- 0.2(sys-0.4thy)(+0.6))x10(-3).
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