Dephasing of Strong-Field-Driven Floquet States Revealed by Time- and Spectrum-Resolved Quantum-Path Interferometry
Yaxin Liu,Bingbing Zhu,Shicheng Jiang,Shenyang Huang,Mingyan Luo,Sheng Zhang,Hugen Yan,Yuanbo Zhang,Ruifeng Lu,Zhensheng Tao
Abstract:Floquet engineering, while a powerful tool for ultrafast quantum-state manipulation, faces challenges under strong-field conditions, as recent high harmonic generation studies unveil exceptionally short dephasing times. In this study, using time- and spectrum-resolved quantum-path interferometry, we investigate the dephasing mechanisms of terahertz-driven excitons. Our results reveal a dramatic increase in exciton dephasing rate beyond a threshold field strength, indicating exciton dissociation as the primary dephasing mechanism. Importantly, we demonstrate long dephasing times of strong-field-dressed excitons, supporting coherent strong-field manipulation of quantum materials.
Optics,Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics