Joint Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis
Luciana Ferrer
Abstract:Standard probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) for speaker recognition assumes that the sample's features (usually, i-vectors) are given by a sum of three terms: a term that depends on the speaker identity, a term that models the within-speaker variability and is assumed independent across samples, and a final term that models any remaining variability and is also independent across samples. In this work, we propose a generalization of this model where the within-speaker variability is not necessarily assumed independent across samples but dependent on another discrete variable. This variable, which we call the channel variable as in the standard PLDA approach, could be, for example, a discrete category for the channel characteristics, the language spoken by the speaker, the type of speech in the sample (conversational, monologue, read), etc. The value of this variable is assumed to be known during training but not during testing. Scoring is performed, as in standard PLDA, by computing a likelihood ratio between the null hypothesis that the two sides of a trial belong to the same speaker versus the alternative hypothesis that the two sides belong to different speakers. The two likelihoods are computed by marginalizing over two hypothesis about the channels in both sides of a trial: that they are the same and that they are different. This way, we expect that the new model will be better at coping with same-channel versus different-channel trials than standard PLDA, since knowledge about the channel (or language, or speech style) is used during training and implicitly considered during scoring.
Machine Learning