Conductivity Critical Exponents Lower Than the Universal Value in Continuum Percolation Systems
W. Z. Shao,N. Xie,L. Zhen,L. C. Feng
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Abstract:A simple model was developed which explains how a continuum percolation system can attain a conductivity critical exponent, t, lower than the universal value. In this model, a structure parameter, κ, was developed to evaluate the geometry of the original conductor shape. Another parameter η accounts for the average backbone probability density of the conductive phase within the percolation system. The structure parameter κ was used to evaluate the ‘sensitivity’ of the critical exponent t to the average backbone probability density . As increased, a lower t could be obtained. To test this model experimentally, a Cu–Cu2O conductor–insulator material was developed and tested. In this conductor–insulator material, C was used to reduce Cu2O into Cu and CO, which produced a material with an optimum and allowed the critical exponent t = 0.87 ± 0.1 at pc = 0.23 ± 0.01 to be achieved.