Analysis on the Game Behavior of Multi-participator in Inventory Pledge Business with Incomplete Information

Abstract:In order to prevent the collusion between the logistics enterprise and the borrower in inventory financing,three stage models are established in this paper on the basis of mechanism design theory.The first stage is Stackelberg game of single trans action with complete information.The second stage is the game of considering reward and punishment mechanism with incom plete information.And the last stage is repeated game.The results show that the reward is more effective than punishment with incomplete information.Banks should establish long-term relationship with logistics enterprise to avoid the single transaction,and logistics enterprises are active in pursuing the reputation effect.This paper also finds out that the risk appetite interval is(0.65,0.75),where it is the most difficult to make a decision for the logistic enterprise.In this condition,it will not cover up the borrower when the bank increases the reward factor reasonably.These conclusions above will support the decisions of both bank and logistics enterprise.
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