Characteristics of Multiple Remote Sensing Images of Xiadian Fault, Beijing Plain
Lei Wang,Jun Shen,Lingling Lin,Xiaohui Yu,Xunye Dai,Bo Shao,Yongkui Wan
Abstract:Sanhe  ̄Pinggu Ms8. 0 earthquake on September 2nd, 1679 forms a whole trend N40° ~ 45°E, dip angle 60°~ 70°, 10 km ̄long rupture zone at the surface. This paper analyzes image characteristics of Xiadian Fault through multiple remote sensing images, such as Landsat ̄8, SPOT ̄5, SAR, GDEM and Google Earth. By ERDAS, we use color enhanced processing of Landsat ̄8 image, R:G:B following 7:4:2 as color component,to stress linear structural features;we make a fusion of Landsat ̄8 and SPOT ̄5 images, Landsat ̄8 and SAR images, respectively, to enrich spectral information. For GDEM and SPOT images, we use three ̄dimensional stack to stress three ̄dimensional features. For the SAR image, we use speckle compression and direction filtering enhancement to stress linear features of paralleling fracture direction. After processing, we analyze and compare the earthquake scarp features on Google Earth and SPOT ̄5 images. Scarps appear on SPOT ̄5 image significantly, but lower scarps have no obvious features. Meanwhile, it is easy to consider green vegetation, narrow road or other surface features as scarps on images. After filtered, SAR image shows a dark linear strip. Fusion image of SAR and Landsat ̄8 images show a wide abnormal band, indicating the strip fault location.