Bryoflora in Tianhuashan Mountain Nature Reserve of Shaanxi
WANG Cheng-ji,LI Deng-wu,DANG Kun-liang
Abstract:The bryoflora in Tianhuashan Mountain Nature Reserve of Shaanxi were preliminarily studied through field investigations and literature references,and this shows that the reserve has abundant and diverse bryoflora,which number 180 species,95 genera and 46 families (including infraspecific taxa),of which,the liverworts total 37 species,18 genera and 14 families,and the true mosses total 143 species,77 genera and 32 families;its dominant families are Brachytheciaceae,Mniaceae,Pottiaceae,Thuidiaceae,Bryaceae,Entodontaceae and Hypnaceae,and its dominant genera are Mnium,Bryum,Brachythecium,Porella,Entodon,Hypnum,Fissidens,Anoectangium,Thuidium and Atrichum.Its geographical elements are intricate,diverse and widely related;the statistical analysis of the geographical elements of its species reveals that it has an absolutely dominant majority of temperate elements and a proportion of tropical elements,which reflects that the bryoflora of the reserve have tropical bloods;its east Asian elements also take an important position,numbering 42 species of which 15 species belong to Sino-Japan areal,16 species are endemic ones in china,which are mainly composed of the flora of southeast China areal.The bryoflora of the reserve belong to Central China but include many elements of other areas,and this shows the transitional characteristics of the bryoflora of the reserve from south to north.