Rovibrational Line Lists for Nine Isotopologues of Co Suitable Formodelling and Interpreting Spectra at Very High Temperatures and Diverse Environment
Gang Li,Alain Campargue,Samir Kassi,Shui-Ming Hu,Yan Tan,Laurence Rothman,Iouli Gordon
Abstract:In order to improve and extend existing HITRANa and HITEMPb data for carbon monoxide, the ro-vibrational line lists were computed for all transitions of nine isotopologues of the CO molecule, namely CO, CO, CO, CO, CO, CO, CO, CO, and CO in the electronic ground state up to v = 41 and J = 150. Line positions and intensity calculations were carried out using a newly-determined piece-wise dipole moment function (DMF) in conjunction with the wavefunctions calculated from a previous experimentally-determined potential energy function of Coxon and Hajigeorgiouc. Ab initio calculations and a direct-fit method which simultaneously fits all the reliable experimental ro-vibrational matrix elements has been used to construct the piecewise dipole moment function. To provide additional input parameters into the fit, new Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy experiments were carried out to enable measurements of the lines in the 4-0 band with low uncertainty (Grenoble) as well as the first measurements of lines in the 6-0 band (Hefei). Accurate partition sums have been derived through direct summation for a temperature range from 1 to 9000 Kelvin. A complete set of broadening and shift parameters is also provided and now include parameters induced by CO2 and H2 to aid planetary applications.