A Coordinating Mechanism for Mobile Value-added Service Value Chain Based on Game Theory
MAN Qing-shan,ZHANG Jin-long,CHONG Xiao-li,YANG Yong-qing
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-6062.2013.02.025
Abstract:Mobile Internet has become one of the most widely used applications since 3G was launched because it has significant influence on reconstructing a value chain.It has improved the channel power of the terminal,and lead to the inapplicability of the walled garden mode of the Mobile Network Operator(MNO) regarding to the mobile value-added service and the dual-channel phenomenon in the mobile value-added service market.The decentralized decision of companies in the value chain,dual-channel,and the competition among the Service Providers(SPs) on the mobile Internet makes the cooperation of the mobile value-added service value chain become different,and suggests higher requirements for coordination of mobile value-added service value chain.The coordination of the dual-channel system has not received enough attention in the existing researches.First,the existing coordinating mechanisms improve the system performance,but they do not achieve the overall optimum,and reasonably distribute the system's profit.The coordinating mechanism of the mobile value-added service value chain in the competition environment needs to be researched. Based on thepractice of Chinese mobile telecommunication industry and by extending the Tsay Agrawal's study,a game theoretical mobile value-added service chain model is constructed.This model is composed of a MNO andtwo competitive SPs.A multi-side-payments mechanism is proposed to fully coordinate the dual-channel system of mobile value-added service. The mobilevalue-added services are classified into cooperative mobile service and mobile Internet service in this article,and the assumptions are as follows:(1) the mobile Internet service generates revenues for the SPs,(2) The demand volumes of services are assumed to depend on the marketing efforts of companies,(3) With each cooperation,the marketing effort for either the MNO or the SP exhibits a positive externality for the other,(4) The two SPs compete in mobile Interne services,and(5) It is a non-cooperative Stackelberg game between the three companies,as well as the SPS acts as a leader,and the MNO acts as a follower.The research firstly analyzes the equilibrium of the model,and finds that with the influence of upstream competition the marketing effort of MNO is lower when it is decentralized than when it is vertically integrated.However,whether the marketing effort of SPs is lower in decentralization depends on competition intensity.Second,the research solves the Pareto efficiency set of the mobile value-added service's dual-channel system,and designs three transfer functions and three constant side payments on the multi-side-payment mechanism.The transfer functions encourage companies to make decisions at global optimization level and divides system-wide surplus fairly.These functions also coordinate the cooperation between MNO and SPs,and the competition between SPs.The constant side payments equally allocate the system-wide surplus after coordination.Finally,the research validates the multi-side-payments mechanism with number simulation.With such coordination,the total channel profit in the decentralized decision situation equals to the vertically integrated situation.Each company receives more profit in this condition than in the pre-coordinating decentralized decision situation.The multi-side-payments satisfies the two criteria of properly developed coordination mechanism. Although there is competition between SPs and MNO,SPs can design multi-side-payments with certain revenue sharing ratio,negotiate their marketing efforts,and contract their transferring or transferred side payment in order to ensure better performance of each company.In summary,multi-side-payment mechanism is a significant reference for the coordination of mobile value-added service value chain in the mobile Internet environment.