Generation of Transgenic Beauveria Bassiana Strain with Vip3Aa Gene and Its Enhanced Virulence on Dendrolimus Punctatus
REN Xiao-fang,LIU Zhen-bang,ZHU Hong,HUANG Bo,LI Zeng-zhi
Abstract:Based on the sequence of Vip3Aa gene for a kind of vegetative insecticidal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis,primers were designed with appropriate restriction sites,to amplify the full-length of Vip3Aa gene.The PCR products digested by Xho I and EcoR I were ligated with the vector pbarGPE1 digested by the same re-striction enzyme to construct a recombinant plasmid pbarGPE1-vip3Aa.The plasmid expression vector linearized by Sca I was transformed into Bb13 strain of Beauveria bassiana,one of the most important entomopathogenic fungus,by blastospore-based transformation system.Reverse Transcription-PCR detection of Vip3Aa transcription in Bb13V suggested that Vip3Aa gene was consistently expressed in the transformant Bb13V.To compare the virulence of Bb13 and Bb13V on the third instar larvae of the Masson's pine caterpillar,Dendrolimus punctatus,a bioassay was conducted by treatments of spray,ingestion of conidial suspension and both for Bb13V and spray for Bb13.Conidial suspension concentrations were treated at 1×105,1×106,1×107,1×108 and 2×108 conidia·mL-1,with 0.05% Tween 80 as control.The results showed that as compared to the wild-type strain Bb13,the corrected cumulative mortality caused by Bb13V treated with the 3 methods increased by over 30% for the suspensions of 1×105,1×106,1×107,and 1×108 conidia·mL-1 and virulence by spray was increased by 33.6~62.1folds;mortal-ity caused by ingestion was higher than by spray for all concentrations.Under the concentration of 1×108,mor-tality by spray was significantly higher than by spray and LT50 shortened by 6.89 days.Consequently,Vip3Aa gene was expressed in the transgenic strain so as to present B.bassiana with stomach toxicity,which infect hosts mainly through cuticle,and its virulence on the pine caterpillars was raised substantially as a result.