From Secondary Innovation to Total Innovation Management – with the Case of Small and Medium Enterprises
Qingrui Xu,Jin Chen,Bin Guo,Litian Chen
Abstract:This paper discusses the evolutionary process of technology innovation and innovation management in Chinese enterprises since 1950. After a brief introduction of innovation environment in China, the transition from imitation to improvement and innovation, which is the vital technological development avenue for most of Chinese firms, is emphasised. To accomplish such innovation path efficiently and effectively requires the paradigm shift for secondary innovation to portfolio innovation during 1980s to 1990s. At the end of last century, the new paradigm of innovation, i.e. total innovation management (TIM), appeared in Chinese firm, which not merely emphasise the integration between technological innovation and non-technological innovation, but also includes all innovators and all time-space innovation. Case studies and survey results were discussed as the evidence of TIM in both large firm (as Haier) and SMEs. Finally, some brief remarks to emphasise the way of innovation taken by Chinese firms in the last 50 years.