Collective Band Structures in Neutron-Rich Odd-A145,147Ce Nuclei
M.萨哈伊,ShengJiang ZHU,CuiYun GAN,LingYan ZHU,LiMing YANG,RuiQing XU,MyonGil JON,Zhuo JIANG,Zheng ZHANG,J.H.Hamilton,A.V.Ramayya,B.R.S.Babu,Hwang J.K.,W.C.Ma,J.Komicki,J.D.Cole,R.Aryaeinejad,M.W.Drigert,J.O.Rasmussen,M.A.Stoyer,S.Y.Chu,K.E.Gregorich,M.F.Mohar,S.G.Prussin,I.Y.Lee,Yu,Ts.Oganessian,G.M.Ter-Akopian,A.V.Daniel
Abstract:Through study of the prompt r-rays emitted in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf, high spin states of neutron-rich odd-A 145,147 Ce nuclei have been investigated. The levels in 147Ce have been extended. A collective band in 145Ce have been identified for the first time. The results from the particle rotor model calculations indicate that the yrast bands in 145Ce and 147Ce originate from vi13/2 orbital coupling and the ground states of 145Ce and 147Ce originate from (vh,9/2,vf7/2, ) and vh9/2 configiration, respectively. No obvious octupole deformation was observed in these two isotopes, but a side band obtained in 147Ce may show some octupole correlations.