Reverse Doppler Effect of Sound
Sam-Hyeon Lee,C. Park,Y. Seo,Z. Wang,C. Kim
Abstract:We report observation of reverse Doppler effect in a double negative acoustic metamaterial. The metamaterial exhibited negative phase velocity and positive group velocity. The dispersion relation is such that the wavelength corresponding to higher frequency is longer. We observed that the frequency was down-shifted for the approaching source, and up-shifted when the source receded. ∗ To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 1 ar X iv :0 90 1. 27 72 v2 [ co nd -m at .o th er ] 2 2 Ja n 20 09 Metamaterials with negative constitutive parameters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] brought many phenomena previously regarded impossible into reality [6, 7, 8, 9]. Electromagnetic waves have been demonstrated to propagate with negative phase velocity in the double negative (DNG) matematerials which have negative electric permittivity and negative magnetic permeability simultaneously. For acoustic waves, negative phase velocity is expected if density and modulus can be made simultaneously negative [10]. We combined negative density material [11, 12] and negative modulus material [13, 14] to fabricate an acoustic metamaterial that exhibits the acoustic DNG property. The negative phase velocity introduces a dispersion relation in which the wavelengths corresponding to higher frequencies become longer. By measuring the frequency shifts in the DNG metamaterial, we observed the reverse Doppler effect of sound, where the frequency was down-shifted for the approaching source and up-shifted when the source receded. In comparison with the numerous theoretical and experimental research results on electromagnetic metamaterials, research efforts on the acoustic metamaterials are relatively few and mainly concentrated on theoretical aspects [10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]. Only, recently, Fang et al. reported realization of negative modulus in a metamaterial consisting of Helmholtz resonators [11]. Also negative mass has been realized using a membrane by Yang et al. [13]. The authors also have investigated single negative acoustic metamaterials [12, 14]. Here, we present fabrication of a new acoustic DNG metamaterial by combining the two single negative metamaterials. Fig. 1a shows schematically the structure of a negative density material [12], which has a regular array of tensioned thin membranes placed inside a tube. The metamaterial shown in Fig. 1b exhibits negative modulus due to the motion of air column in the side holes [14]. Fig. 1c shows the acoustic DNG metamaterial with the membranes and side holes alternately placed along the tube. Acoustic double negativity of this structure is due to the actions of the membranes and side holes. The membrane forms a paraboloid when pushed by the fluid, and when the spacing between the membranes is much smaller than the wavelength (the long-wavelength limit), the restoring force from the tension gives the static pressure gradient 5p = −κ~ ξ where p, κ, and ~ ξ are the pressure, the elastic modulus, and the displacement of the fluid, respectively. In the dynamic case, due to the force from the membranes, Newton’s equation becomes −5p = ρ′∂~u/∂t+κ~ ξ, where ~u = ∂~ ξ/∂t is the longitudinal velocity of the fluid. The volume-averaged density ρ′ of the fluid (air in the present case) and the membranes, giving