Some Theoretical Comparisons of Refined Ritz Vectors and Ritz Vectors
Zhongxiao Jia
Science in China Series A Mathematics
Abstract:Refined projection methods proposed by the author have received attention internationally. We are concerned with a conventional projection method and its refined counterpart for computing approximations to a simple eigenpair (λ, ϰ) of a large matrix A. Given a subspace W that contains an approximation to ϰ, these two methods compute approximations (μ\(\tilde x\)) and (μ\(\hat x\)) to (λ, ϰ), respectively. We establish three results. First, the refined eigenvector approximation or simply the refined Ritz vector \(\hat x\) is unique as the deviation of ϰ from W approaches zero if λ is simple. Second, in terms of residual norm of the refined approximate eigenpair (μ, \(\hat x\)), we derive lower and upper bounds for the sine of the angle between the Ritz vector \(\tilde x\) and the refined eigenvector approximation \(\hat x\), and we prove that \(\tilde x \ne \hat x\) unless \(\hat x = x\). Third, we establish relationships between the residual norm \(\left\| {A\tilde x - \mu \tilde x} \right\|\) of the conventional methods and the residual norm \(\left\| {A\hat x - \mu \hat x} \right\|\) of the refined methods, and we show that the latter is always smaller than the former if (μ, \(\hat x\)) is not an exact eigenpair of A, indicating that the refined projection method is superior to the corresponding conventional counterpart.