O p t i m i z a t i o n M e t h o d f o r G r i d S c h e d u l i n g o f Data Parallel Pipeline

ZHANG Lin,WANG Qingjiang
Abstract:【Abstract】Toim prove the performance of data parallel pipelines on computational grids, the algorithmof simulated annealing is used to optimize scheduling. An experimental method is used to determine the initialcontrol parameter,and a random method is used to choose the next scheduling scheme. Byadjusting the stability times of the best scheduling scheme, thetrade-of fs between optimization cost and optimization effect can be made. Experiments show the simulated annealing herecan ef fectivelyoptim ize the scheduling of pipelines. 【Keyw ords】Grid; Scheduling; Data parallel pipeline; Simulated annealing 在数字信号处理、图像处理等领域,数据流往往被分成
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