Design and analysis of a multi‐channel S‐ALOHA protocol for airborne tactical networks
Abstract:For the characteristics of high dynamic ,large scale ,sparse nodes distribution ,diversity of com‐munication traffic ,etc .,and the high reliability and low latency of information transmissions in airborne tactical netw orks ,a multi‐channel slotted‐A L O H A (M C‐S‐A L O H A ) protocol is proposed .T he protocol adopts a backoff mechanism based on the number of active nodes ,w hose size of the contention window is adjusted adaptively and dynamically w ith the number of active nodes in the netw ork .For the proposed protocol ,by establishing the tw o‐dimensional M arkov chain model on the number of busy channels and active nodes ,and the one‐dimensional M arkov chain model on the sending buffer of nodes ,the mathematical expressions of netw ork throughput ,packet end‐to‐end delay and packet success probability are derived .T he simulation results verify the accuracy of the theoretical derivation ,and show that the protocol can meet the performance requirements of airborne tactical networks .