Long-range Ising spins models emerging from frustrated Josephson junctions arrays with topological constraints
Oliver Neyenhuys,Mikhail V. Fistul,Ilya M. Eremin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.108.165413
Abstract:Geometrical frustration in correlated systems can give rise to a plethora of novel ordered states and intriguing phases. Here, we analyze theoretically vertex-sharing frustrated Kagome lattice of Josephson junctions and identify various classical and quantum phases. The frustration is provided by periodically arranged $0$- and $\pi$- Josephson junctions. In the frustrated regime the macroscopic phases are composed of different patterns of vortex/antivortex penetrating each basic element of the Kagome lattice, i.e., a superconducting triangle interrupted by three Josephson junctions. We obtain that numerous topological constraints, related to the flux quantization in any hexagon loop, lead to highly anisotropic and long-range interaction between well separated vortices (antivortices). Taking into account this interaction and a possibility of macroscopic "tunneling" between vortex and antivortex in single superconducting triangles we derive an effective Ising-type spin Hamiltonian with strongly anisotropic long-range interaction. In the classically frustrated regime we calculate numerically the temperature-dependent spatially averaged spins polarization, $\overline{m}(T)$, characterizing the crossover between the ordered and disordered vortex/antivortex states. In the coherent quantum regime we analyze the lifting of the degeneracy of the ground state and the appearance of the highly entangled states.
Quantum Physics,Statistical Mechanics,Strongly Correlated Electrons,Superconductivity