The ITER ECH & CD Upper Launcher: Steps towards final design of the first confinement system
P. Spaeh,G. Aiello,R. Bertizzolo,R. Chavan,R. Gessner,T. Goodman,G. Grossetti,M. Henderson,A. Krause,J. Landis,A. Meier,D. Ronden,G. Saibene,T. Scherer,S. Schreck
Abstract:The ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive (ECH&CD) Upper Launcher, whose preliminary design was approved in 2009, is on its way towards the final design. The design work is being done by a consortium of several European research institutes in tight collaboration with F4E. The main focus is the finalization of the design of all components for the First Confinement System (FCS), which forms the vacuum and Tritium barrier. The FCS comprises structural components as well as the external waveguide components in the port cell. Structural components of the FCS include the flange seal, backend frame and closure plate. The external waveguide components include the isolation valve, CVD diamond windows, miter bends and straight waveguides. Because finalizing of the design of these components is directly influenced by the layout of many in-vessel components, the design work includes also further development of the entire launcher. This paper summarizes the most recent status of the design work on the structural components of the launcher FCS, which are the support flange, the socket, the closure plate and feed-throughs for waveguides and cooling pipes. The design work includes the engineering layout of these components in accordance with system requirements, load specifications and Quality and Safety classification. An outline of the overall design of the launcher will be presented. The design progress was based on a set of related analyses, of which particular results are given. Also the integration of the associated mm-wave components, assembly strategies, neutronic aspects and the design of the shielding components will be described.