Progress of Researches on Extraction Methods of Soil RNA
LIU Hua,SHEN Tianlin,LI Xuekun,FU Hecai,DAI Jiulan
Abstract:RNA plays an important role in studying environmental microbes because it can indicate the characteristics of the activated microorganism.The extraction of total RNA is the basis of real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR,northern hybridization analysis,cDNA library creation and other molecular biology studies.How to obtain a high yield and quality soil RNA is the critical step for the research of soil microbes.Therefore,several RNA isolation methods which can obtain high quality RNA from soil were summarized in this article,including strong denaturant method,Trizol method,CTAB method,SDS-phenol method,enzyme decomposition method and commercial RNA extraction kits.The various combinations of above methods for RNA isolation from soil were often used.Among the above methods,strong denaturant is good RNase inhibitor,and CTAB can cause the protein denaturation.However,bead beating is theefficientphysical lysismethod.Comparedwithothermethods,mechanicalhomogenizationinTrizol isthemostefficientforreleasing microbial RNA.The different RNA extraction kits have their characteristics for different soils.Furthermore,the influence factors,application aspects,as well as the potentials and the limitations for the extraction of total RNA were also reviewed.Therefore,this work may provide the guidelines for RNA isolation and the choice of method to study soil microbes.