Isolation of Edwardsiella Tarda from Diseased Turbot(scophthalmus Maximus)and Vaccination Against Edwardsiella Tarda
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
Abstract:The diseased turbot,exhibiting haemorrhaging of the basal fin and ulceration of the body surface,were taken aseptically from the hepatopancreas,blood,gall bladder,kidney,spleen and brain,and inoculated immediately onto LBN( LB medium supplement with 2% NaCl) plates,which were incubated at 28 ℃ for 48 h. A Gram-negative, rod shaped bacterium( designated as strain WY28) was isolated from the spleen of diseased fish. WY28 gave positive reactions for ornithine decarboxylase,lysine decarboxylase,H2S,citrate utilisation,indole and fermentation of glucose, but was negative for arginine dihydrolase,Voges-Proskauer reaction,oxidase,β-galactosidase,tryptophan deaminase, urease,gelatinase,motility and acid production from amygdalin,arabinose,inositol,sorbitol,rhamnose,melibiose, sucrose and mannitol. WY28 was similar to Edwardsiella tarda in morphological,most of the physiological,biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence except motility and Citrate utilization. WY28 was identified to be E. tarda. Antibiotic sensitivity was determined by using antibiotic discs impregnated with 30 kinds of antibiotics. WY28 was sensitive to cefazolin( 30 μg),gentamycin( 10 μg),norfloxacin( 10 μg),furazolidone( 300 μg). Pathogenicity assays revealed that WY28 was virulent to turbot and zebrafish( Danio rerio) by intraperitoneal injection challenge. The LD50 of WY28 to turbot and zebrafish was calculated as 39 cfu/g of fish( 3.3×102 cfu/fish) and 2.1×104 cfu/g of fish( 6.4×103 cfu/fish),respectively. In addition,WY28 was re-isolated as pure cultures from internal organs of turbot and zebrafish. The results of pathogenicity assays demonstrated that although the LD50 of WY28 for turbot and zebrafish weredifferent,zebrafish as model animals had potential use for determining pathogenicity of marine bacterial pathogens. Turbots were vaccinated with formalin-killed vaccine of WY28 via intraperitoneal injection. Controls were injected with same volumes of saline. The evident antibody titres( average was 1∶1 280) were detected in vaccinated fish 4 weeks after immunization. The antibody titres reached a higher level( average was 1∶3 289.6) 6 weeks after immunization. Vaccinated turbots were intraperitoneal injected with different concentrations of WY28 to detect relative percent survival( RPS) of formalin-killed vaccine of WY28. The vaccinated fish showed higher RPS against bacteria than the unvaccinated fish. When the vaccinated fish were challenged with 107 cfu/mL of bacteria,the RPS was calculated as 0%; When the vaccinated fish were challenged with 106 cfu/mL of bacteria,the RPS was calculated as 16.7%. However,when the vaccinated fish were challenged with 105 cfu/mL of bacteria,the RPS was calculated as 66.7%. This demonstrated that the protective effects of inactivated vaccine of WY28 were affected by the concentration of challenging bacteria. The formalinEdwardsiella tardakilled vaccine of WY28 showed higher RPS when the turbots were challenged with lower concentration of pathogen, which was considered to be similar to natural culture environment. Therefore,the inactivated vaccine of WY28,to a large extent,could prevent turbot diseases caused by E. tarda.