Image processing methods to determine the fractional vegetation cover of winter wheat using digital camera
Ying Qu,Su-hong LIU,Jiang-zhou XIA
Arid Land Geography
Abstract:The fractional vegetation cover(fCover) is an important agronomy and ecology parameter,which is essential in the sudies of hydrology,ecology and global change.Currently,eyeballing method,statical method,interpretation method using digital camera imagery and remote sensing method are the major methods for determination of fCover.Since interpretation of the digital camera imagery is an efficient and low-cost in situ measurement method,it is widely used in the scientific studies.The image processing methods can be categorized into 2 classes,one is Color Space Threshold Method(CSTM),and the other one is Image Classification Method(ICM).The image processing methods to determine the fCover are various,however,the comparison of the theory,robustness,accuracy and impact facors of different image processing methods are seldom disscussed.At the winter wheat field of State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processing and Resouce Ecology,Fangshan,China,an entire dataset of the winter wheat cover fraction was measured using digital camera(Nikon Coolpix S500,Panasonic DMC-TZ3 and FUJIFILM IS-1).The data was collected once or twice a week in the field from Febrary 20th to May 20th,2009.The RGB color space threshold method(RGB),HLS color space threshold method(HLS),revised HLS color space threshold method(rHLS),ISODATA classification method(ISODATA),Scene based Max Likehood Classification method(Max Likehood) and Segementation method using NIR imagery(NIR) are used to determine the fCover of winter wheat.The comparison of the above 6 methods shows that the criterions of RGB and HLS method are equivalent,and results of HLS and rHLS are similar.The scene based Max Likehood classification method using ROIs(region of interest) from 5 components of imagery: glint of leaves,sunlit leaves,shaded leaves,sunlit soil and shaded soil.The comparison result shows that it is very efficent to determine the fCover,and the scene based Max Likehood classification can be seen as the primary method to determine the fCover using digital camera.The RGB method,HLS method and rHLS method are usaually to overestimate the fCover when the true fCover is low,and the NIR method is always underestimate because it's difficult to extract the information in the shadow.The mean values of 5 components of images are shown in RGB and HLS color space,and the distribution of 5 components in HLS color space shows that the scene can not be segemented by simple hue threshold because the irradiance of the scence is not homogenous.In future,a scene simulation model for evaluation of the different image processing methods is needed,and the white balance calibration,radiation calibration and the projection detoration of the digital camera should be considered.