The Correlation Between the Global Disease Activity of SLE and the Clinical Manifestation and Immune Sera Test
LIU Rui,XIE Qibing,LIU Yixin,LI Xinyi,LIU Yin,LIU Gang
Abstract:In this paper,we aim to analyze the the correlation of global disease activity and renal lesion with clinical manifes-tation and immune sera test in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A cross-sectional case-control study was designed of 66 patients with lupus nephritis (LN),and randomly selected 75 patients with SLE without nephritis as control. And all the 141 patients were assessed by using the BILAG index.With the score of the index,patients were divided to active group and inactive group. The frequence of anemia,fever (excluding infection) and vasculitis among the SLE active group were higher than those of inactive group. Oedema,as an important manifestation of lupus nephritis,was appeared in LN group. Compared with inactive group,active group showed significantly higher proportions of anti-Sm antibody,anti-dsDNA antibody,anti-nRNP antibody,anti-RIB antibody,but lower level of C3 (P = 0.039,P = 0.025,P = 0.020,P = 0.010,P = 0.010,respectively). A higher proportion of anti-dsDNA antibody and low level of C3 were seen in the group with nephritis (P = 0.017,P =0.010,respectively) compared with the the group without nephritis. Anemia,fever (excluding infection) and vasculitis may present ill active and oedema may be a sign of LN. All results demon-strate that the lower C3 and higher anti-dsDNA antibody correlate with lupus nephritis. And there is a strong correlation between the disease activity and the levels of lower C3,higher anti-Sm antibody,anti-dsDNA antibody,anti-nRNP antibody,and anti-RIB anti-body in patients as measured by BILAG.