Population Trends and Biological Aspects of Cereal Aphids (homoptera, Aphididae), and Their Natural Mortality Factors on Winter-Wheat in Southwestern Idaho
Abstract:From 1986 to 1989, winter wheat grown under irrigation in southwestern Idaho was commonly infested by five species of cereal aphids, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker), Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), Sitobion avenae (Fabr.), and Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), although their population levels differed greatly from year to year. Autoecious S. avenae was found overwintering on the crop and usually initiated summer infestation earlier than the other species. Heteroecious M. dirhodum was rarely found during the autumn and initiated summer infestations later than S. avenae, possibly by immigrants from its primary hosts (Rosa spp.). Anholocyclic D. noxia survived the first winter after entering the region in June 1987 and achieved a dense summer population during 1988. However, colonies were not detected after mid-December during the unusually cold winter that followed and the aphid was scarce throughout 1989. The impact of cold weather may be reduced if a holocyclic population develops as may be possible as indicated by the discovery of oviparae in Idaho (Kiriak et al. 1990). This survey yielded no evidence that nymphs or adults of R. padi and S. graminum could overwinter on the crop. Both are typically holocyclic, overwintering on chokecherry, Prunus virginiana L., and grasses, respectively, but can sometimes overwinter anholocyclicly (Blackman et al. 1990). The summer population levels of the whole aphid complex usually remained relatively low. The highest population levels were typically observed late in the season and were reduced by entomophthoralean fungi and/or parasitoids, thus making the use of insecticides unnecessary in most years. The length and severity of freezing periods during the winter seemed to determine the timing of population recovery or immigration, and thus population sizes, during the summer. Mycoses occurred in the first two summers, causing mortalities of 46% and 90% for M. dirhodum and 17% and 7% for S. avenae. In contrast, aphidiid parasitoids killed more S. avenae (35%, 81%, 4%, and 59% at peak from 1986 to 1989, respectively) than M. dirhodum (about 5% at peak in 1986 and 1987 only). Mortalities attributable to mycoses or parasitoids were not consistently detected for other aphid species except D. noxia, which suffered 1-2% parasitism during the 1988 summer. Aphid-specific predators were not abundant on winter wheat throughout the survey.