Differential diagnosis between benign and malignant solid hypoechoic thyroid nodules in ultrasonography:value of acoustic radiation force impulse imaging
XU Jun-mei,XU Hui-xiong,ZHANG Yi-feng,LIU Chang,HE Yong,GUO Le-hang,LIU Lin-na,SUN Li-ping,WU Jian,ZHANG Jing
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2012.12.014
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the value of virtual touch tissue imaging(VTI)and virtual touch tissue quantification(VTQ)of acoustic radiation force impulse imaging(ARFI) in the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant solid hypoechoic thyroid nodules in ultrasonography.Methods Retrospective analysis was performed to evaluate the ultrasonography,VTI and VTQ features of 77 histologically proven solid hypoechoic thyroid nodules in 62 patients.The ultrasonography features of the nodules were analyzed,such as the nodule shape,margin,internal microcalcification,intranodular blood flow,peripheral halo sign and anteroposterior to transverse diameter ratio with solid hypoechoic thyroid nodules.The VTI features were divided into 6 grades and higher grade represented harder tissue.The VTQ was expressed as the shear wave velocity(SWV)and greater SWV represented stiffer tissue.Results obtained in different nodules were primarily compared using the χ2 test.Then the sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,positive predictive value(PPV)and negative predictive value(NPV)for differential diagnosis by ultrasonography and ARFI were investigated.Results All 77 pathologically proven thyroid nodules included 49 benign and 28 malignant nodules.The sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,PPV and NPV of the ultrasonography features for differential diagnosis ranged from 39.3%(11/28)to 78.6%(22/28),26.5%(13/49)to 83.7%(41/49),45.5%(35/77)to 70.1%(54/77),37.9%(22/58)to 61.9%(13/21)and 68.4%(13/19)to 76.5%(26/34),respectively.The sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,PPV and NPV of VTI were 85.7%(24/28),95.9%(47/49),92.2%(71/77),92.3%(24/26)and 92.2%(47/51),respectively.For VTQ,the values were 67.9%(19/28),71.4%(35/49),70.1%(54/77),57.6%(19/33)and 79.5%(35/44),respectively.Conclusions VTI of ARFI elastography showed superior performance in the differential diagnosis between malignant and benign solid hypoechoic thyroid nodules compared with ultrasonography and VTQ.Therefore,VTI of ARFI elastography showed superior performance in the differential diagnosis between malignant and benign nodules compared with ultrasonography and VTQ.