Text Classification and Threat Intelligence Generation for Industrial Control System Security
Jing-yi WANG,Tian-chen ZHU,Jia-wei KANG,Bo LI
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12783/dtcse/cmee2017/20039
DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering
Abstract:Facing the increasingly serious security problems in ICS, how to classify and generate threat intelligence effectively is of great importance in improving the safety of industrial control systems, helping them identify security threats and making corresponding preventions. In this paper, according to the classification of security events in the threat intelligence platform, we classify ICS security topic texts as information leakage, security vulnerabilities, network security, security suggestions, invasion, malware, or security events. Based on the OpenIOC framework, automatically analysis on the massive ICS security data can be done to generate the corresponding IOC file and obtain threat intelligence.