The Critic of the Neoliberalism Urban Studies in China
WU Qi-Yan
Abstract:There are many international scholars suspect if China has experimented the process of neoliberalism restructure since post reform agenda.However,it does happen somewhat freedom to redistribute social fortunes from the poor to the rich.With the fast increasing of GDP of China in past three decades,the wildly widening gaps between urban and rural,coastal area and western area,and economic elites and marginalized work class are the persistent feature.Therefore,it would be important to give some hints for the study of the neoliberalism urban studies of China from local scholar's perspective.As a matter of fact since the reform agenda,regionalized neoliberalism practice has been conducted successfully for over thirty years.the China has experimented a significant transition in the track of neoliberalism practice:namely,1) the widening gap between export surplus and badly unfulfilled public welfare;2) multi-scales uneven geographical development of,either between inland area and coast area,or urbanization area and its peripheral region.Unfortunately,relevant research still needs much more input to kick it off.For this purpose,this paper suggests that following study should concentrate in the governance environment transition,power structure modulation and the class structure change both in the coastal and inland area of China.Moreover,in order to analyze the complicated phenomenon of localized neoliberalism,the destructive creativeness of study methodology,namely,the reflexive study paradigm should be attempted as well.