High sensitivity magnetic sensor consisting of ferromagnetic alloy, piezoelectric ceramic and high-permeability FeCuNbSiB
Lei Chen,Ping Li,Yumei Wen,Dong Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.01.173
IF: 6.2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Abstract:A high sensitivity magnetoelectric (ME) composite sensor employing a type of ferromagnetic constant-elasticity alloy (FeNi-FACE), piezoelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 (PZT-8H) and high-permeability FeCuNbSiB (Fe 73.5 Cu 1 Nb 3 Si 13.5 B 9 ) is developed. The FeCuNbSiB ribbon with the high permeability serves as the dynamic driver to increase the effective piezomagnetic coefficient d 33 of the FeNi-FACE. At the same time, the FeCuNbSiB/FeNi-FACE/PZT-8H/FeNi-FACE/FeCuNbSiB (FeFPFFe) composite sensor exhibits a higher effective mechanical quality factor ( Q m ), which is ∼7.7 times higher than that of Terfenol-D/PZT-8H/Terfenol-D (MPM) sensor. As the ME voltage at resonance is directly proportional to the product of piezomagnetic coefficient and Q m , a stronger ME effect can be achieved. The experimental results show that the resonance ME voltage coefficient (MEVC) of the FeFPFFe sensor at H dc = 119 Oe achieves 4.367 V/Oe, which is ∼1.41 times higher than that of FeNi-FACE/PZT-8H/FeNi-FACE (FPF) sensor. Furthermore, ∂ V ME / ∂ H dc for the FeFPFFe sensor achieves ∼22.5 m V/Oe at H dc = 31 Oe under resonant drive conditions of H ac = 0.1 Oe, which is ∼20 times higher than that of the previous reported Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 /Terfenol-D composite transducer. Thus the FeFPFFe sensor has highly sensitive ac or dc magnetic field sensing. Keywords Magnetoelectric effect Piezoelectricity Magnetostriction FeCuNbSiB ribbons Magnetic sensor Magnetoelectric composite 1 Introduction Since Ryu et al. reported a new magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated composite which has the much higher ME voltage coefficient (i.e., ∂ V ME / ∂ H ac ) than former particulate magnetoelectric composites and single-phase magnetoelectric materials, this feature has provided to be a novel method for detecting a low magnetic field with very high sensitivity [1] . Recent studies on the ME effect have suggested the possibility of fabricating ac magnetic field sensors with high performance [2–5] . Special features are their passive natures, their capabilities to detect magnetic fields at very low frequencies, their large dynamic ranges with linear responses and the great ME voltage coefficient (MEVC) at the resonant frequency. However, the performances of the ME sensor in detecting dc magnetic field are deficient. The reported ME voltage sensitivity to dc magnetic fields (i.e., ∂ V ME / ∂ H dc ) of a Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 /Terfenol-D composite transducer only retains 1.2 m V/Oe under the resonant drive [6] . When it comes to the applications, the magnetic sensor for magnetic anomaly detection requires the strictly high sensitivity to dc magnetic field. This deficiency greatly reduces the competitiveness of the ME sensors against traditional magnetic sensors. The sensitivity of Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 /Terfenol-D composite transducer in the literature [6] is considerably small for dc field sensing, which results from the rather low effective mechanical quality factor Q m in the composite transducer ranging from 49.9 to 100 [7] . Hence, we fabricate a new magnetic sensor from the ferromagnetic alloy (FeNi-FACE), PZT-8H and FeCuNbSiB, as shown in Fig. 1 . The Q m of the sensor is significantly enhanced because of the high mechanical quality factor in the FeNi-FACE, FeCuNbSiB and PZT-8H. Although the piezomagnetic coefficient ( d 33 = 0.75 nm/A) [8] of FeNi-FACE is much smaller than that of giant magnetostrictive materials Terfenol-D, FeCuNbSiB acts as the dynamic driver to enhance the effective piezomagnetic coefficient of the FeNi-FACE. In this case, a high sensitivity to small variations in both ac and dc magnetic fields can be obtained, since ME voltage gain is directly proportional to the product of the piezomagnetic coefficient and Q m . Our experimental results show that the proposed composite sensor increases the ME voltage sensitivity to dc magnetic fields by a factor of around 20 compared with that in the literature [6] and enhances the ME voltage sensitivity to ac magnetic fields by a factor of around ∼1.41 compared with FPF sensor. 2 Experiment To fabricate the ME sensor sample, the FeNi-FACE plate, PZT-8H plate and FeCuNbSiB ribbon plate are dipped in organic impregnant to clean. Then the sample is prepared by stacking and bonding the multiple plates with an insulated epoxy adhesive. The sample is cured at 80 °C for 1 h under the load to provide a strong bond between the layers. PZT-8H is produced by China Electronics Technology Group Corporation no. 26 Research Institute. The FeCuNbSIB ribbon is produced by Foshan Huaxin Microlite Metal Co., Ltd, China (International standard trademark 1K107). The FeNi-FACE alloy is produced by Chongqing Instrument Material Research Institute, China. Table 1 summarizes the material characteristics of FeCuNbSiB and FeNi-FACE. In our experiments, the dc bias magnetic field applied to the FeFPFFe composite sensor is generated by a pair of annular permanent magnets (Nd–Fe–B), and measured by a Gauss meter. Both the ac magnetic field and the dc magnetic bias are parallel to the longitudinal direction of the device. For detecting the ME voltage, the ac magnetic field is generated by applying a sine signal to the solenoid. The induced ME voltage V ME across the two electrodes of the PZT plate is measured by an oscilloscope (Tektronix, TDS2022B). The ME voltage coefficient is calculated according to α = ∂ V ME / ∂ H ac . All the experiments are carried out at room temperature and ambient pressure. 3 Structure and principle of composite magnetic sensor Fig. 1 shows the configuration of a FeFPFFe composite sensor consisting of magnetostrictive FeNi-FACE, piezoelectric PZT-8H and high-permeability FeCuNbSiB layers. The sizes of the FeNi-FACE, PZT-8H and FeCuNbSiB layers are 12 mm × 6 mm × 0.6 mm, 12 mm × 6 mm × 0.8 mm and 12 mm × 6 mm × 30 μm, respectively. Magnetostrictive FeNi-FACE and FeCuNbSiB layers are magnetized in the longitudinal (length) direction and piezoelectric PZT layer is poled in the transverse (thickness) direction. When a magnetic field is applied to the FeFPFFe sensor, the FeCuNbSiB layer produces a strain due to its magnetostrictive properties, which induces a stress on the FeNi-FACE owing to the stress–strain coupling of the interlayers. Although the saturation magnetostriction coefficient λ s of FeCuNbSiB layer is only 2.7 ppm [9–11] , the magnetic permeability of FeCuNbSiB layer ( μ r > 100,000 at 1 kHz) directly affects its effective piezomagnetic coefficient according to d 33 = μ r S 33 λ , where S 33 is the elastic compliances [12] . And the high permeability causes its large effective piezomagnetic coefficient due to a low saturation field [12,13] , producing the large magnetostrictive strain. Hence, the stress exerted on FeNi-FACE layer by the FeCuNbSiB layer can be calculated as follows: (1) σ = 2 E f t f E t Δ ε ( 1 − ν ) ( 2 E f t f + E t t t ) , where E , t , and υ are the elastic modulus, thickness, and poisson's ratio, respectively. The subscript t and f mean FeNi-FACE and FeCuNbSiB respectively. And Δ ɛ is the magnetostrictive strain of the FeCuNbSiB layer. This additional stress can induce a mechanical strain in FeNi-FACE, resulting in the increase of effective piezomagnetic coefficient for FeNi-FACE. As the MEVC at low frequency α low is directly proportional to the piezomagnetic coefficient d 33 [14] , a high α low can be obtained. For the ME laminated composite, based on the magneto-elasto-electric equivalent circuit method, the MEVC at resonance can be given as [7] (2) α r = ∂ V ME ∂ H ac = 8 Q m π 2 α low , where V ME is the induced ME voltage across the thickness of the PZT-8H layer under the drive of H ac . From Eq. (2) , it is known that the MEVC at resonance depends on α low . Since α low is directly proportional to the piezomagnetic coefficient of the magnetostrictive material [14] , Eq. (2) can be rewritten as: (3) α r = ∂ V ME ∂ H ac ∝ 8 Q m d 33 π 2 . Because of the high mechanical quality factor in the FeCuNbSiB, PZT-8H and FeNi-FACE [8] , the FeFPFFe sensor is expected to show the high effective mechanical quality factor Q m as the Q m of the FeFPFFe sensor can be given by [7] (4) 1 Q m = n 1 Q mag + n 2 Q piez + n 3 Q fe , where Q mag , Q piez and Q fe are the effective mechanical quality factor of the magnetostrictive FeNi-FACE layer, piezoelectric PZT-8H layer and the FeCuNbSiB layer, respectively. n 1 , n 2 and n 3 are the volume ratio of the magnetostrictive FeNi-FACE layer, the piezoelectric PZT-8H layer and the FeCuNbSiB in the laminate, respectively. According to Eq. (3) , the MEVC at resonance is directly proportional to the product of the piezomagnetic coefficient of magnetostrictive layer and the Q m . Hence, the higher piezomagnetic coefficient d 33 and Q m will obviously result in the higher MEVC of the FeFPFFe sensor at resonance. Correspondingly, the ME sensitivity (under resonant drive) to H ac is increased. In this case, a constant dc magnetic bias ( H dc ) is applied along the length axis of the laminate, and small variations in H ac can be detected. However, the ME effect is also a strong function of H dc . Thus, under a constant H ac drive, ME composite sensor can detect small H dc signal. The dependence of the ME effect on H dc results from the piezomagnetic coefficient dependence on H dc . In this manner, the dependence of the MEVC on H dc at resonance can be obtained by the derivative of Eq. (3) with respect to H dc , given as (5) ∂ α r ∂ H dc ∝ 8 Q m π 2 ∂ d 33 ∂ H dc . Assuming the induced ME voltage has a linear relationship with H ac at the resonant frequency; Eq. (5) can be rewritten as: (6) ∂ V ME ∂ H dc ∝ 8 Q m π 2 H a c ∂ d 33 ∂ H dc . From Eq. (6) , the ME sensitivity at resonance to H dc is directly proportional to Q m . The FeFPFFe composite sensor with the high Q m is used for dc magnetic field sensing, which will provide the high sensitivity. Clearly, the FeFPFFe composite sensor has higher sensitivity to small variations in both ac and dc magnetic fields due to the higher product of effective piezomagnetic coefficient d 33 of the FeNi-FACE and the effective Q m of the new composite. 4 Results and discussion The MEVCs as a function of H dc for the FPF composite and FeCuNbSiB/PZT-8H/FeCuNbSiB (FePFe) composite sensor at a frequency of f = 1 kHz and a drive of H ac = 1 Oe are presented in Fig. 2 . From this figure, it can be seen that with the increase of the dc magnetic filed, the MEVC for FPF composite sensor achieves a maximum of 10.13 mV/Oe at H dc = 235 Oe, then decreases slowly. In contrast, the MEVC for the FePFe composite sensor increases in a approximately linear manner with increasing H dc over the range 0 < H dc < 60 Oe and gradually reaches the maximum value of 32.89 mV/Oe. With the further increase of the magnetic field, the MEVC decreases gradually. This phenomenon can be understood as a result of the strong relation between the MEVC at low frequency α low and the piezomagnetic coefficient d 33 ( dλ / dH ) of the FeCuNbSiB ribbon, α low ∝ d 33 . As mentioned previously, the high permeability of the FeCuNbSiB ribbon causes its large piezomagnetic coefficient at the lower dc magnetic biases, producing the large magnetostrictive strain and ME effect. Taking the advantage of the FeCuNbSiB, a new ME sensor employing magnetostrictive FeNi-FAC, FeCuNbSiB and piezoelectric PZT-8 is fabricated. When FeNi-FACE and FeCuNbSiB layers are bonded by an epoxy adhesive, FeCuNbSiB acts as the dynamic driver to produce the stress on the FeNi-FACE. The additional stress can induce a mechanical strain in FeNi-FACE, resulting in the increase of effective piezomagnetic coefficient for FeNi-FACE [15] . Hence, a higher MEVC for FeFPFFe sensor can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 3 . We observe that the maximum MEVC for FeFPFFe sensor achieves 12.216 mV/Oe at H dc = 272 Oe, which is increased by factor of ∼1.21 times compared with FPF sensor and the peak position of the MEVC is shifted to a higher magnetic field. Our experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions. Obviously, increasing the effective piezomagnetic coefficient of FeNi-FACE by incorporating FeCuNbSiB layers offers an approach to enhance the MEVC α low . Fig. 4 shows the maximum MEVCs as a function of frequency for MPM, FPF and FeFPFFe sensor near resonance. The data in Fig. 4 (a) for the MPM sensor shows the MEVC increases with frequency to a maximum of 2.97 V/Oe at resonance under H dc = 200 Oe. And the resonance frequency f r is 110.699 kHz and a 3 dB frequency bandwidth Δ f is 2.4 kHz. Accordingly, the effective mechanical quality factor of the laminate is Q m = f r /Δ f , then Q m = 46.125 can be obtained. Fig. 4 (b) illustrates the MEVC spectrum of the FPF sensor near resonance. From the figure, the resonance occurs at the higher frequency f r = 170.38 kHz due to the lower elastic compliance of FeNi-FACE ( S 33 = 5.2 × 10 −12 ) compared with Terfenol-D ( S 33 = 42.53 × 10 −12 ). And the Q m of the FPF sensor achieves 354.96, which is ∼7.7 times higher than that of the MPM sensor. Although the piezomagnetic coefficient of FeNi-FACE is much smaller than that of Terfenol-D, the higher maximum MEVC of FPF sensor achieves 3.101 V/Oe under H dc = 316 Oe, compared with the MPM sensor. As mentioned previously, this is because of the higher Q m of the FPF sensor at resonance. Fig. 4 (c) shows the MEVC spectrum of the FeFPFFe sensor near resonance. From the figure, we obverse that the maximum MEVC of FeFPFFe sensor is 4.367 V/Oe under H dc = 119 Oe and the Q m is calculated as 354.625. The MEVC of the FeFPFFe sensor is ∼1.41 times higher than that of the FPF sensor. This may result from the increase in the effective piezomagnetic coefficient d 33 of the FeNi-FACE caused by the FeCuNbSiB layer acting as the dynamic driver, even though the values of their Q m are nearly equal. The expression in Eq. (3) gives better physical explanations on these results, thus it is reasonable that the higher product of the piezomagnetic coefficient and Q m results in the higher MEVC of the FeFPFFe sensor at resonance, compared with FPF and MPM sensor. By incorporating a high-permeability FeCuNbSiB layer into FPF laminate, a higher MEVC can be achieved. The result unambiguously demonstrates that the FeFPFFe sensor is promising for the small H ac signal detection. Fig. 5 shows the induced ME voltage of the FeFPFFe sensor at the resonant frequency as a function of ac magnetic field under a dc magnetic field H dc = 119 Oe. This figure reveals that the induced ME voltage has a linear relationship with H ac at the resonant frequency. Hence, Eq. (3) can be rewritten as (7) V ME ∝ 8 Q m π 2 H ac d 33 . From Eq. (7) , the value of the ME voltage varies with the ac magnetic biases, Q m and d 33 . The ME voltage at the resonance of FeFPFFe sensor is significantly notable because of the increase in the effective piezomagnetic coefficient of FeNi-FACE, compared with FPF sensor. From the ME voltage output the MEVC at resonance can be calculated as 4.367 V/Oe, which indicates that the sensor has an ability to detect low ac magnetic field strength. In this case, the FeFPFFe sensor provides direct conversion of ac magnetic-field into an electrical signal. Fig. 3 indicates that the MEVC at the low frequency strongly depends on H dc , which can be traced to the different domain magnetizing behaviors under various values of H dc [10] . Thus, the FeFPFFe sensor is potential for small H dc detection under a drive of H ac with the constant magnitude and frequency. Fig. 6 shows the ME voltage as a function of H dc for the FeFPFFe sensor under the resonance frequency f r = 170.24 kHz and H ac = 0.1 Oe. From the figure, the induced ME voltage for the FeFPFFe sensor has an almost linear response to the applied dc magnetic field in the ascendent edge of −84 < H dc < 0 Oe and in the descendent edge of 0 < H dc < 84 Oe. And we observe a sharp (step-like) phase shift from 180° to 0° corresponding to the sign reversal of H dc from a positive value to a negative one, as shown on the right-hand axis of Fig. 6 . The phase shift reveals the tendency of applied dc field variation. In addition, the value of ∂ V ME / ∂ H dc for FeFPFFe sensor is calculated from the slope of the ME voltage V ME versus H dc curve. The maximum value is calculated as ∼22.5 mV/Oe at H dc = 31 Oe, which is about 20 times higher than that of the Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 /Terfenol-D laminated transducer in the literature 6. As mentioned previously, this can be ascribed to the high Q m of the FeFPFFe sensor, resulting in a high ME sensitivity to H dc . Furthermore, the maximal value of ∂ V ME / ∂ H dc is observed at 31 Oe. This is because of a jump effect, as previously reported in literature [16] . The action of an applied field along the longitudinal-axis direction seemingly induces the magnetization vector of the magnetic domains to change from its initial orientation that is perpendicular to the longitudinal-axis (due to a preload) to being parallel to the direction along which H dc is applied. When the applied H dc increases to 31 Oe, it is near the so-called “burst region”, and the rotation of the magnetic domains is at a maximum. Correspondingly, the ME sensitivity (under resonant drive) to H dc reaches the maximum. The variation in output voltage for a step-change in dc magnetic field at resonant frequency is investigated, as show in Fig. 7 . The results show that the sensor can distinguish small dc magnetic fields of 3nT under a resonant excitation H ac = 8 m Oe. This also indicates that the FeFPFFe sensor has an ultra-high sensitivity to small dc magnetic field variations. 5 Conclusion In summary, a magnetoelectric sensor based on FeFPFFe laminates is designed, fabricated and characterized. The configuration with higher permeability FeCuNbSiB is to increase ME coupling and keep its size small. As a result, the high sensitivity to small variations in both ac and dc magnetic fields can be achieved owing to the increase in the effective piezomagnetic coefficient d 33 of the FeNi-FACE by bonding additional high-permeability FeCuNbSiB layer and the high effective mechanical quality factor Q m, of the FeFPFFe sensor. The MEVC at resonance achieves 4.367 V/Oe and the ME sensitivity to dc magnetic field arrives at ∼22.5 m V/Oe under the resonance frequency f r = 170.24 kHz and H ac = 0.1 Oe. Furthermore, the sensor can distinguish small dc magnetic fields of 3nT under a resonant excitation H ac = 8 m Oe. Thus the FeFPFFe sensor is potential for highly sensitive dc or/and ac magnetic field detection. Acknowledgements This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 50830202 and 61071042 ) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Project no. CDJXS11122223 ). References [1] J. Ryu A.V. Carazo K. Uchino H. Kim Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 1 40 2001 4948 [2] J.Y. Zhai Z.P. Xing S.X. Dong J.F. Li D. Viehland Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 2006 062510 [3] N.H. Duc D.T. Huong Giang J. Alloys Compd. 449 2008 214 [4] S.X. Dong J.Y. Zhai F.M. Bai J.F. Li D. Viehland Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 2005 062502 [5] D.T. Huong Giang N.H. Duc Sens. Actuators A 149 2009 229 [6] S.X. Dong J.Y. Zhai J.F. Li D. Viehland Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 2006 082907 [7] F. Yang Y.M. Wen P. Li M. Zheng L.X. Bian Sens. Actuators A 141 2008 129 [8] L.X. Bian Y.M. Wen P. 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The Nonlinear ME Effect of FeNiMoSiB/ PZT-5A Composite under Step Magnetic Field Excitation for Magnetic Field Sensing
Yuntao Zhang,Leixiang Bian,Zhan Xu,Yong He
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/jsen.2023.3298435
IF: 4.3
IEEE Sensors Journal
Abstract:Under a high-amplitude ac excitation field, the magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composite exhibits the nonlinear magnetoelectric (ME) effect. A weak dc/ac magnetic field can be measured by demodulating the odd harmonics generated by the composite structure due to the nonlinear ME effect. The ac excitation magnetic field created by an external signal source will introduce crosstalk noise. Here, a novel method for measuring the weak magnetic field via FeNiMoSiB/PZT-5A/FeNiMoSiB composite excited by step magnetic field is presented. The ME composite excited by the step magnetic field will vibrate at its natural frequency to significantly enhance the ME effect. In addition, the resonance frequency of the ME composite is not affected by the excitation signal, which reduces the noise introduced by the external excitation source. Due to the nonlinear ME effect, the induced ME voltage is modulated by a weak dc/ac magnetic field to be measured. The weak magnetic field signal can be recovered from the ME voltage by the lock-in demodulation method. The ME unit for sensing the magnetic field is designed based on the longitudinal free vibration model excited by a step magnetic field. In the experiment, the step magnetic fields generated by a 2-kHz bipolar square-wave signal are used to excite the ME composite. The sensitivity of 29.77 mV/Oe and linearity error of 0.22% are achieved in the dc magnetic field of −3 to 3 Oe. The sensitivity to 1–50-kHz ac magnetic field to be measured in the flat area is about 37.5 mV/Oe.
engineering, electrical & electronic,instruments & instrumentation,physics, applied
Self-biased magnetoelectric sensor operating in d 36 face-shear mode
Jingen Wu,Yongjun Du,Yiwei Xu,Jiacheng Qiao,Yuhan Qu,Zhiguang Wang,Shuxiang Dong,Zhongqiang Hu,Ming Liu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/jsen.2023.3306350
IF: 4.3
IEEE Sensors Journal
Abstract:A magnetoelectric (ME) sensor of face-shear type is demonstrated based on the ME composite consisting of (PbMg $_{{0}.{33}}$ Nb{0}.{67}O{3}}{)}_{{1}-{x}-(PbTiO $_{{3}}{)}_{x}$ piezoelectric single crystal (abbreviated as PMN-PT) and Metglas amorphous alloy. The face-shear strain is induced in PMN-PT via the magnetostriction of Metglas under a magnetic field, which generates an ME voltage through the ${d}_{{36}}$ piezoelectric coefficient. The proposed sensor reveals a high ME coupling coefficient of 48.8 V/cm Oe at resonant frequency ( $\sim $ 107.5 kHz), which is self-biased with the capability to detect ac magnetic fields of 4.58 nT at 1 kHz and 10.43 pT at resonant frequency, respectively. The self-biased face-shear mode ME sensor exhibits great potential for weak magnetic field detection.
engineering, electrical & electronic,instruments & instrumentation,physics, applied
Magnetoelectric effects in a heterostructure of magnetostrictive fiber composite and piezopolymer film
Dmitrii V Savelev,Vladimir I. Musatov,Feodor Fedulov,Leonid Yurievich Fetisov,Dmitrii Burdin,Julia Alekhina,Dmitry V Chashin,Evgeniy S. Shahurin,Yuri K Fetisov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665x/ad9801
IF: 4.1
Smart Materials and Structures
Abstract:Magnetoelectric (ME) effects in composite heterostructures comprising ferromagnetic (FM) and piezoelectric (PE) layers realize mutual transformation of magnetic and electric fields and form the basis for the development of highly sensitive magnetic field sensors, electrically tuned electronic components, and energy harvesting devices. ME effects result from a combination of magnetostriction of the FM layer and piezoelectricity in the PE layer due to mechanical coupling between the layers. In this work ME effects are studied in a flexible heterostructure containing a magnetostrictive fiber composite (MFC) and a piezopolymer layer. MFC is a set of microwires made of amorphous FeCoSiB alloy with high magnetostriction and arranged in a plane parallel to each other in a polymer matrix. MFC exhibits strong in-plane anisotropy of magnetization and magnetostriction resulting from demagnetization effects in microwires. Anisotropy leads to the dependence of the linear and nonlinear ME effects characteristics on the orientation of dc magnetic field in the plane of the heterostructure. For the fabricated heterostructure at the resonance frequency of bending vibrations, a linear magnetoelectric coefficient of 24 V/(Oe∙cm) was obtained, and the efficiency of nonlinear generation of the second voltage harmonic reached 1.6 V/(Oe 2 ∙cm). ME effects in MFC heterostructures can be used to create magnetic field sensors and electronics devices that are sensitive to the field orientation.electronics devices that are sensitive to the field orientation.
materials science, multidisciplinary,instruments & instrumentation
A Flexible Multiferroic Composite with High Self-Biased Magnetoelectric Coupling
W. Q. Jing,F. Fang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2017.10.010
IF: 9.1
Composites Science and Technology
Abstract:Polymer-matrix multiferroic composites with self-biased magnetoelectric (ME) coupling hold promises in flexible energy harvester, magnetic field sensors and actuators, etc. Using CoFe2O4 (CFO) nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as fillers to the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) matrix, piezomagnetic films (CFO-CNT-PVDF, also named as M layers) with different volume fractions of CFO and a fixed percentage of CNTs are obtained, which also serve as the electrode. By employing the layer of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE), named as P layer) sandwiched between the two conductive layers of CFO-CNT-PVDF, and followed by hot-pressing, three-layered multiferroic composite CFO-CNT-PVDF/P(VDF-TrFE)/CFO-CNT-PVDF (named as M/P/M) are prepared. The ME coupling increases with the volume fraction of CFO nanoparticles. The maximum self-biased and peak values of ME coefficient (alpha(ME)) reach 16.7 mV cm(-1) Oe(-1) and 25.8 mV cm(-1) Oe(-1), respectively. Measurements on the relationship between the magnetostriction and static magnetic field (He) are performed for the CFO-CNTPVDF films with different volume fraction of CFO. Based on the equivalent circuit model, the self-biased and peak values of alpha(ME) are calculated for the ME composites, which fit well with the experimental data. The results imply that it is the high piezomagnetic coefficient, as well as the remnant magnetization of the M layer, contributes to the observed strong self-biased ME coupling for the CFO-CNT-PVDF/P(VDFTrFE)/CFO-CNT-PVDF composite. Since the mechanical flexibility is also of great importance regarding the practical device applications, the stress-strain behavior for the CFO-CNT-PVDF layers is studied. With the volume fraction of CFO increases, both fracture strength (of) and fracture strain (ef) decrease. The results offer a guideline for selecting proper ME composites on specified device applications. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Equivalent Circuit Model of Low-Frequency Magnetoelectric Effect in Disk-Type Terfenol-D/PZT Laminate Composites Considering a New Interface Coupling Factor
Guofeng Lou,Xinjie Yu,Shihua Lu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s17061399
IF: 3.9
Abstract:This paper describes the modeling of magnetoelectric (ME) effects for disk-type Terfenol-D (Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.92)/PZT (Pb(Zr,Ti)O3) laminate composite at low frequency by combining the advantages of the static elastic model and the equivalent circuit model, aiming at providing a guidance for the design and fabrication of the sensors based on magnetoelectric laminate composite. Considering that the strains of the magnetostrictive and piezoelectric layers are not equal in actual operating due to the epoxy resin adhesive bonding condition, the magnetostrictive and piezoelectric layers were first modeled through the equation of motion separately, and then coupled together with a new interface coupling factor kc, which physically reflects the strain transfer between the phases. Furthermore, a theoretical expression containing kc for the transverse ME voltage coefficient αv and the optimum thickness ratio noptim to which the maximum ME voltage coefficient corresponds were derived from the modified equivalent circuit of ME laminate, where the interface coupling factor acted as an ideal transformer. To explore the influence of mechanical load on the interface coupling factor kc, two sets of weights, i.e., 100 g and 500 g, were placed on the top of the ME laminates with the same thickness ratio n in the sample fabrication. A total of 22 T-T mode disk-type ME laminate samples with different configurations were fabricated. The interface coupling factors determined from the measured αv and the DC bias magnetic field Hbias were 0.11 for 500 g pre-mechanical load and 0.08 for 100 g pre-mechanical load. Furthermore, the measured optimum thickness ratios were 0.61 for kc = 0.11 and 0.56 for kc = 0.08. Both the theoretical ME voltage coefficient αv and optimum thickness ratio noptim containing kc agreed well with the measured data, verifying the reasonability and correctness for the introduction of kc in the modified equivalent circuit model.
engineering, electrical & electronic,chemistry, analytical,instruments & instrumentation
Experimental Investigation of the Magnetoelectric Effect in NdFeB-Driven A-Line Shape Terfenol-D/PZT-5A Structures
Juanjuan Zhang,Yan Kang,Yuanwen Gao,George J Weng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12071055
Abstract:In this paper, the magnetoelectric (ME) effect is investigated in two kinds of A-line shape Terfenol-D/PZT-5A structures by changing the position of the NdFeB permanent magnet. The experimental results show that both ME composite structures had multiple resonance peaks. For the ME structure with acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) trestles, the resonance peak was different for different places of the NdFeB permanent magnet. Besides, the maximum of the ME coefficient was 4.142 V/A at 32.2 kHz when the NdFeB permanent magnet was on top of the Terfenol-D layer. Compared with the ME coefficient with a DC magnetic field, the ME coefficient with NdFeB magnets still maintained high values in the frequency domain of 65~87 kHz in the ME structure with mica trestles. Through Fourier transform analysis of the transient signal, it is found that the phenomenon of multiple frequencies appeared at low field frequency but not at high field frequency. Moreover, the output ME voltages under different AC magnetic fields are shown. Changing the amplitude of AC magnetic field, the magnitude of the output voltage changed, but the resonant frequency did not change. Finally, a finite element analysis was performed to evaluate the resonant frequency and the magnetic flux distribution characteristics of the ME structure. The simulation results show that the magnetic field distribution on the surface of Terfenol-D is non-uniform due to the uneven distribution of the magnetic field around NdFeB. The resonant frequencies of ME structures can be changed by changing the location of the external permanent magnet. This study may provide a useful basis for the improvement of the ME coefficient and for the optimal design of ME devices.
Resonant Magnetoelectric Coupling of Fe-Si-B/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Laminated Composites with Surface Crystalline Layers
Yu Sun,Xu Zhang,Sheng Wu,Nian Jiang,Xin Zhuang,Bin Yan,Feng Zhang,Christophe Dolabdjian,Guangyou Fang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s23249622
IF: 3.9
Abstract:The resonant magnetoelectric (ME) effect of Fe78Si9B13/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (FeSiB/PZT) composites with a surface-modified Fe78Si9B13 amorphous alloy has been studied. The surface-modified FeSiB can improve the ME coefficient at the resonant frequency by optimizing the magnetomechancial power conversion efficiency. The maximum ME coefficient of the surface-modified ribbons combined with soft PZT (PZT5) is two-thirds larger than that of the composites with fully amorphous ribbons. Meanwhile, the maximum value of the ME coefficient with surface-modified FeSiB ribbons and hard PZT (PZT8) is one-third higher compared with the fully amorphous composites. In addition, experimental results of magnetomechanical coupling properties of FeSiB/PZT composites with or without piezoelectric layers indicate that the power efficiency of the composites first decreases and then increases with the increase in the number of FeSiB layers. When the surface crystalline FeSiB ribbons are combined with a commercially available hard piezoelectric ceramic plate, the maximum magnetoelectric coupling coefficient of the ME composite reaches 5522 V/(Oe*cm), of which the electromechanical resonant frequency is 23.89 kHz.
engineering, electrical & electronic,chemistry, analytical,instruments & instrumentation
Nonlinear Magnetoelectric Response of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9/Piezofiber Composite for a Pulsed Magnetic Field Sensor
Caijiang Lu,Hai Zhou,Aichao Yang,Zhengyu Ou,Feihu Yu,Hongli Gao
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12182866
IF: 3.4
Abstract:In this paper, we report the nonlinear magnetoelectric response in a homogenous magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminate material. The proposed magnetoelectric stack Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9/piezofiber is made up of high-permeability magnetostrictive Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 foils and a piezoelectric Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 fiber composite. The time dependence of magnetoelectric interactions in the Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9/piezofiber structure driven by pulsed magnetic field was investigated in detail. The experimental results show that the magnetoelectric effect is strongly dependent on the external bias magnetic and pulsed magnetic field parameters. To detect the amplitude of a pulsed magnetic field, the output sensitivity reaches 17 mV/Oe, which is excited by a 100 μs width field. In addition, to measure the pulsed width, the output sensitivity reaches 5.4 mV/μs in the range of 0–300 μs. The results show that the proposed Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9/piezofiber sensor is ideally suited for pulsed magnetic field measurement.
materials science, multidisciplinary,chemistry, physical,physics, applied, condensed matter,metallurgy & metallurgical engineering
Using magnetoelectric effect to reveal magnetization behavior of bulk and heavy ferromagnetic materials
Zhonghui Yu,Jiawei Cao,Zhaoqiang Chu,Mohammad Javad Pourhosseini Asl,Jikun Yang,Zehuan Wang,Hongkang Zhang,Qunyang Li,Shuxiang Dong,Zhonghui Yu,Jiawei Cao,Zhaoqiang Chu,Mohammad Javad Pourhosseini Asl,Jikun Yang,Zehuan Wang,Hongkang Zhang,Qunyang Li,Shuxiang Dong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2021.101051
IF: 8.663
Applied Materials Today
Abstract:<p>Traditionally, magnetization performance of bulk ferromagnetic materials is evaluated mainly based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, magneto-optical effect, Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUID, only for small specimen), etc. Here, we report that the magnetoelectric (ME) coupling effect from a composited Terfenol-D alloy/PMN-PT single crystal under a constant-amplitude AC magnetic field excitation (<em>H</em><sub>ac</sub> = 0.25 Oe at 1 kHz) can be used to reveal magnetization behavior of an approaching bulk ferromagnetic material. Investigations show that the magnetostriction λ<sub>33</sub><em><sub>,m</sub></em>, piezomagnetic coefficient d<sub>33</sub><em><sub>,m</sub></em>, ME voltage (<em>V<sub>ME</sub></em>) response spectrum of the ME composite have a strong dependence on the external ferromagnetic material. It is further found that the required DC magnetic field for domain switching in Terfenol-D alloy could be notably decreased from hundreds Oe to only 10 Oe once a high-<em>μ</em> permalloy is approached. This work shows that the ME composite has the potential to quickly, qualitatively evaluate the magnetization (<em>M</em>) or permeability (<em>μ)</em> behavior of an approaching bulk and heavy ferromagnetic material or alloy via ME effect.</p>
materials science, multidisciplinary
A Flexible Magnetic Field Sensor Based on PZT/CFO Bilayer via van der Waals Oxide Heteroepitaxy
Weijuan Pan,Yuan Ao,Peng Zhou,Leonid Fetisov,Yuri Fetisov,Tianjin Zhang,Yajun Qi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s23229147
Abstract:Magnetoelectric (ME) magnetic field sensors utilize ME effects in ferroelectric ferromagnetic layered heterostructures to convert magnetic signals into electrical signals. However, the substrate clamping effect greatly limits the design and fabrication of ME composites with high ME coefficients. To reduce the clamping effect and improve the ME response, a flexible ME sensor based on PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 (PZT)/CoFe2O4 (CFO) ME bilayered heterostructure was deposited on mica substrates via van der Waals oxide heteroepitaxy. A saturated magnetization of 114.5 emu/cm3 was observed in the bilayers. The flexible sensor exhibited a strong ME coefficient of 6.12 V/cm·Oe. The local ME coupling has been confirmed by the evolution of the ferroelectric domain under applied magnetic fields. The flexible ME sensor possessed a stable response with high sensitivity to both AC and DC weak magnetic fields. A high linearity of 0.9988 and sensitivity of 72.65 mV/Oe of the ME sensor were obtained under flat states. The ME output and limit-of-detection under different bending states showed an inferior trend as the bending radius increased. A flexible proximity sensor has been demonstrated, indicating a promising avenue for wearable device applications and significantly broadening the potential application of the flexible ME magnetic field sensors.
Recent Progress in Devices Based on Magnetoelectric Composite Thin Films
Deepak Rajaram Patil,Ajeet Kumar,Jungho Ryu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s21238012
IF: 3.9
Abstract:The strain-driven interfacial coupling between the ferromagnetic and ferroelectric constituents of magnetoelectric (ME) composites makes them potential candidates for novel multifunctional devices. ME composites in the form of thin-film heterostructures show promising applications in miniaturized ME devices. This article reports the recent advancement in ME thin-film devices, such as highly sensitive magnetic field sensors, ME antennas, integrated tunable ME inductors, and ME band-pass filters, is discussed. (Pb1−xZrx)TiO3 (PZT), Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT), Aluminium nitride (AlN), and Al1−xScxN are the most commonly used piezoelectric constituents, whereas FeGa, FeGaB, FeCo, FeCoB, and Metglas (FeCoSiB alloy) are the most commonly used magnetostrictive constituents in the thin film ME devices. The ME field sensors offer a limit of detection in the fT/Hz1/2 range at the mechanical resonance frequency. However, below resonance, different frequency conversion techniques with AC magnetic or electric fields or the delta-E effect are used. Noise floors of 1–100 pT/Hz1/2 at 1 Hz were obtained. Acoustically actuated nanomechanical ME antennas operating at a very-high frequency as well as ultra-high frequency (0.1–3 GHz) range, were introduced. The ME antennas were successfully miniaturized by a few orders smaller in size compared to the state-of-the-art conventional antennas. The designed antennas exhibit potential application in biomedical devices and wearable antennas. Integrated tunable inductors and band-pass filters tuned by electric and magnetic field with a wide operating frequency range are also discussed along with miniaturized ME energy harvesters.
engineering, electrical & electronic,chemistry, analytical,instruments & instrumentation
A Novel Spinel Ferrite-Hexagonal Ferrite Composite for Enhanced Magneto-Electric Coupling in a Bilayer with PZT
Sujoy Saha,Sabita Acharya,Maksym Popov,Theodore Sauyet,Jacob Pfund,Rao Bidthanapally,Menka Jain,Michael R Page,Gopalan Srinivasan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s23249815
Abstract:The magnetoelectric effect (ME) is an important strain mediated-phenomenon in a ferromagnetic-piezoelectric composite for a variety of sensors and signal processing devices. A bias magnetic field, in general, is essential to realize a strong ME coupling in most composites. Magnetic phases with (i) high magnetostriction for strong piezomagnetic coupling and (ii) large anisotropy field that acts as a built-in bias field are preferred so that miniature, ME composite-based devices can operate without the need for an external magnetic field. We are able to realize such a magnetic phase with a composite of (i) barium hexaferrite (BaM) with high magnetocrystalline anisotropy field and (ii) nickel ferrite (NFO) with high magnetostriction. The BNx composites, with (100 - x) wt.% of BaM and x wt.% NFO, for x = 0-100, were prepared. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the composites did not contain any impurity phases. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed that, with an increase in NFO content, hexagonal BaM grains become prominent, leading to a large anisotropy field. The room temperature saturation magnetization showed a general increase with increasing BaM content in the composites. NFO rich composites with x ≥ 60 were found to have a large magnetostriction value of around -23 ppm, comparable to pure NFO. The anisotropy field HA of the composites, determined from magnetization and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements, increased with increasing NFO content and reached a maximum of 7.77 kOe for x = 75. The BNx composite was cut into rectangular platelets and bonded with PZT to form the bilayers. ME voltage coefficient (MEVC) measurements at low frequencies and at mechanical resonance showed strong coupling at zero bias for samples with x ≥ 33. This large in-plane HA acted as a built-in field for strong ME effects under zero external bias in the bilayers. The highest zero-bias MEVC of ~22 mV/cm Oe was obtained for BN75-PZT bilayers wherein BN75 also has the highest HA. The Bilayer of BN95-PZT showed a maximum MEVC ~992 mV/cm Oe at electromechanical resonance at 59 kHz. The use of hexaferrite-spinel ferrite composite to achieve strong zero-bias ME coupling in bilayers with PZT is significant for applications related to energy harvesting, sensors, and high frequency devices.
Magnetoelectric effect in layered ferrite/PZT composites. Study of the demagnetizing effect on the magnetoelectric behavior
V. Loyau,V. Morin,G. Chaplier,M. Lobue,F. Mazaleyrat
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4919722
Abstract:We report the use of high magnetomechanical coupling ferrites in magnetoelectric (ME) layered composites. Bilayer samples combining $(Ni_{0.973} Co_{0.027})_{1-x} Zn_x Fe_2 O_4$ ferrites ($x = 0-0.5$) synthesized by non conventional reactive Spark Plasma Sintering and commercial lead zirconate titanate (PZT) were characterized in term of ME voltage coefficients measured at sub-resonant frequency. Strong ME effects are obtained and we show that an annealing at 1000$^\circ$C and a quenching in air improve the piezomagnetic behavior of Zn-rich compositions. A theoretical model that predicts the ME behavior was developed, focusing our work on the demagnetizing effects in the transversal mode as well as the longitudinal mode. The model shows that: (i) high ME coefficients are obtained when ferrites with high magnetomechanical coupling are used in bilayer ME composites, (ii) the ME behavior in transversal and longitudinal modes is quite similar, and differences in the shapes of the ME curves are mainly due the demagnetizing effects, (iii) in the transversal mode, the magnetic field penetration depends on the ferrite layer thickness and the ME coefficient is affected accordingly. The two later points are confirmed by measurements on ME samples and calculations. Performances of the ME composites made with high magnetomechanical coupling ferrites are compared to those obtained using Terfenol-D materials in the same conditions of size, shape, and volume ratio. It appears that a ferrite with an optimized composition has performances comparable to those obtained with Terfenol-D material. Nevertheless, the fabrication processes of ferrites are quite simpler. Finally, a ferrite/PZT based ME composite was used as a current sensor.
Materials Science
Micro Magnetic Field Sensor Based on Terfenol-D/Pzt/Terfenol-D Magnetoelectric Composites
Yang Zheng,Dan Xie,Jing Ma,Tianling Ren,Litian Liu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.483.190
Abstract:A new type of magnetic sensor based on magnetoelectric(ME) composites has been designed and fabricated. The ME composites has a Terfenol-D/PZT/Terfenol-D structure and its ME coefficient is 0.36 V/cm Oe at room temperture. The sensor has AC magnetic measurement ranges from 0.02 Oe to 12 Oe, reaches a sensitivity of 5×10-3 Oe and has a flat response within 15 kHz. The sensor is equipped with a pre-amplifier and an Root Mean Square(RMS) value convertor.
Magnetoelectric Effect in Amorphous Ferromagnetic FeCoSiB/Langatate Monolithic Heterostructure for Magnetic Field Sensing
L Y Fetisov,M V Dzhaparidze,D V Savelev,D A Burdin,A V Turutin,V V Kuts,F O Milovich,A A Temirov,Y N Parkhomenko,Y K Fetisov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s23094523
Abstract:This paper investigates the possibilities of creating magnetic field sensors using the direct magnetoelectric (ME) effect in a monolithic heterostructure of amorphous ferromagnetic material/langatate. Layers of 1.5 μm-thick FeCoSiB amorphous ferromagnetic material were deposited on the surface of the langatate single crystal using magnetron sputtering. At the resonance frequency of the structure, 107 kHz, the ME coefficient of linear conversion of 76.6 V/(Oe∙cm) was obtained. Furthermore, the nonlinear ME effect of voltage harmonic generation was observed with an increasing excitation magnetic field. The efficiency of generating the second and third harmonics was about 6.3 V/(Oe2∙cm) and 1.8 V/(Oe3∙cm), respectively. A hysteresis dependence of ME voltage on a permanent magnetic field was observed due to the presence of α-Fe iron crystalline phases in the magnetic layer. At the resonance frequency, the monolithic heterostructure had a sensitivity to the AC magnetic field of 4.6 V/Oe, a minimum detectable magnetic field of ~70 pT, and a low level of magnetic noise of 0.36 pT/Hz1/2, which allows it to be used in ME magnetic field sensors.
A Dual-Peak Phenomenon of Magnetoelectric Coupling in Laminated Terfenol-D/Pzt/Terfenol-D Composites
C. P. Zhao,F. Fang,W. Yang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/19/12/125004
IF: 4.1
Smart Materials and Structures
Abstract:Magnetoelectric (ME) composite materials find many applications due to their high magnetoelectric (ME) coefficient (αME) at room temperature. A dual-peak phenomenon is reported in the curves of the magnetoelectric coefficient (αME) versus the static magnetic field (HS) for Terfenol-D/PZT/Terfenol-D tri-layered composites of rectangular shape. The first peak corresponds to the maximum of the piezomagnetic coefficient d33, m of the Terfenol-D plate, and the second is caused by the resonance of the laminate under the applied alternating magnetic field. The position of the first peak in the αME versus HS curve shifts slightly as the frequency increases. The position of the second peak, however, moves considerably toward higher HS values as the frequency increases. An analysis based on the equivalent circuit method is proposed, which incorporates the constitutive model and the change in Young’s modulus with the applied static magnetic field (ΔE effect) for Terfenol-D. The theoretical prediction agrees well with the experimental observations. This finding is of importance for both the basic understanding of the ME composites and for device applications such as detection of magnetic materials.
Converse Magnetoelectric Effect in Ni(Terfenol-D)/Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 Bilayer-Laminated Composite
X. H. Ge,H. Ji,Y. Li,J. K. Chen,Y. G. Wang,F. M. Pan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/s0217979218501758
International Journal of Modern Physics B
Abstract:In this study, we propose a new bilayer-laminated magnetoelectric (ME) composite consisting of magnetostrictive Ni and Tb[Formula: see text]Dy[Formula: see text]Fe2 (Terfenol-D) plates and piezoelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) plate. The Ni–Terfenol–D-Ni/PZT composite is constructed and compared with the traditional Terfenol-D/PZT composite. The bias magnetic field and the electric field frequency dependences of the converse ME (CME) coefficient were investigated. It is shown that the Ni–Terfenol-D–Ni/PZT exhibits a large CME coefficient of 6.2 × 10[Formula: see text] s/m at the electric field frequency of 42 kHz under a low bias magnetic field of 230 Oe, which results from the highly concentrated flux induced by Ni and the stress-interaction between Ni and magnetostrictive Terfenol-D.
Magnetoelectric Effect in Magnetostrictive/piezoelectric Laminate Composite Terfenol-D∕LiNbO3 [(Zxtw)−129°∕30°]
P Yang,K Zhao,Y Yin,JG Wan,JS Zhu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2198486
IF: 4
Applied Physics Letters
Abstract:A magnetoelectric (ME) laminate composite consisting of a new cut type [(zxtw)−129°∕30°] piezoelectric LiNbO3 single crystal and the magnetostrictive Tb1−xDyxFe2−y has been developed and its ME effect has been studied. Our small laminate shows a superior ME voltage coefficient (αE). A wide bandwidth of the frequency peak under a fixed magnetic bias field and a wide bandwidth of optimized magnetic bias field under a high fixed frequency were also observed. The largest value of αE is 2.31V∕cmOe at 160kHz when the magnetic bias field reaches 1.76kOe.
Magnetoelectric Effect in Shear-Mode Pb(Zr,Ti)O3/NdFeB Composite Cantilever
Jinchi Han,Jun Hu,Zhongxu Wang,Shan X. Wang,Jinliang He
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4919738
IF: 4
Applied Physics Letters
Abstract:A magnetoelectric (ME) composite cantilever consisting of two shear-mode Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 unimorphs and a tip NdFeB permanent magnet has been demonstrated to exhibit strong ME coupling based on the superior d15 shear response of the piezoelectric phase. The static ME coefficient and the power density under resonance condition of the fabricated samples reach 300 mV/cm·Oe and 2.25 μW/cm3·Oe2, respectively, without demand for DC bias field, which make it outperform previous designs of shear-mode ME composites. These good properties of the ME composite cantilever promise its prospects as a miniature device for sensing, transducing, and energy harvesting applications.
High Isolation, Double-Clamped, Magnetoelectric Microelectromechanical Resonator Magnetometer
Thomas Mion,Michael J D'Agati,Sydney Sofronici,Konrad Bussmann,Margo Staruch,Jason L Kost,Kevin Co,Roy H Olsson 3rd,Peter Finkel
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s23208626
Abstract:Magnetoelectric (ME)-based magnetometers have garnered much attention as they boast ultra-low-power systems with a small form factor and limit of detection in the tens of picotesla. The highly sensitive and low-power electric readout from the ME sensor makes them attractive for near DC and low-frequency AC magnetic fields as platforms for continuous magnetic signature monitoring. Among multiple configurations of the current ME magnetic sensors, most rely on exploiting the mechanically resonant characteristics of a released ME microelectromechanical system (MEMS) in a heterostructure device. Through optimizing the resonant device configuration, we design and fabricate a fixed-fixed resonant beam structure with high isolation compared to previous designs operating at ~800 nW of power comprised of piezoelectric aluminum nitride (AlN) and magnetostrictive (Co1-xFex)-based thin films that are less susceptible to vibration while providing similar characteristics to ME-MEMS cantilever devices. In this new design of double-clamped magnetoelectric MEMS resonators, we have also utilized thin films of a new iron-cobalt-hafnium alloy (Fe0.5Co0.5)0.92Hf0.08 that provides a low-stress, high magnetostrictive material with an amorphous crystalline structure and ultra-low magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Together, the improvements of this sensor design yield a magnetic field sensitivity of 125 Hz/mT when released in a compressive state. The overall detection limit of these sensors using an electric field drive and readout are presented, and noise sources are discussed. Based on these results, design parameters for future ME MEMS field sensors are discussed.