Josephson transistor from the superconducting diode effect in domain wall and skyrmion magnetic racetracks
Richard Hess,Henry F. Legg,Daniel Loss,Jelena Klinovaja
Abstract:In superconductors, the combination of broken time-reversal and broken inversion symmetries can result in a critical current being dependent on the direction of current flow. This phenomenon is known as superconducting diode effect (SDE) and has great potential for applications in future low-temperature electronics. Here, we investigate how magnetic textures such as domain walls or skyrmions on a racetrack can be used to control the SDE in a Josephson junction and how the SDE can be used as a low-temperature read-out of the data in racetrack memory devices. First, we consider a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with strong spin-orbit-interaction (SOI) coupled to a magnetic racetrack, which forms the weak-link in a Josephson junction. In this setup, the exchange coupling between the magnetic texture and the itinerant electrons in the 2DEG breaks time-reversal symmetry and enables the SDE. When a magnetic texture, such as a domain wall or skyrmion enters the Josephson junction, the local exchange field within the junction is changed and, consequently, the strength of the SDE is altered. In particular, depending on the position and form of the magnetic texture, moving the magnetic texture can cause the SDE coefficient to change its sign, enabling a Josephson transistor effect with potentially fast switching frequencies. Further, we find that the SDE is enhanced if the junction length-scales are comparable with the length-scale of the magnetic texture. Furthermore, we show that, under certain circumstances, the symmetry breaking provided by particular magnetic textures, such as skyrmions, can lead to an SDE even in the absence of Rashba SOI in the 2DEG. Our results provide a basis for new forms of readout in low-temperature memory devices as well as demonstrating how a Josephson transistor effect can be achieved even in the absence of an external magnetic field and intrinsic Rashba SOI.
Superconductivity,Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics