Designing Integrated Guidance and Control law for Air to Air Missile Based on Sliding Mode Control
Zhanxia Zhu,Peng Chen,Biwei Tang
Abstract:For the 3D interception of an arbitrarily maneuvering target, it is difficult to design the controller of an air to air missile’ s integrated guidance and control system because its model is nonlinear, coupling and uncertain. Therefore, we simplify the model of the nonlinear and coupling control system and obtain the approximately linear model with three channels. On these bases, we establish the pitch and yaw channel integrated guidance and control model. Taking into account the uncertainty of disturbance, we use the sliding mode control, which has rapid re-sponse and is not sensitive to parameter change and disturbance, to design the air to air missile’ s adaptive and in-tegrated guidance and control law and then prove its stability with the Lyapunov method. To verify the effectiveness of the integrated guidance and control law, we carry out its simulation;the results, given in Figs.2 through 5 and Tables 2 and 3, and their analysis show preliminarily that the integrated guidance and control law can guarantee the accuracy of the air to air missile hitting an arbitrarily maneuvering target and guarantee the stability of its attitude;thus it is more effective for interception.