Effects of partial root-zone irrigation at different Water-control duration on physiology and Water use efficiency of maize
FU Feng-bei,LU Wen-juan,LI Fu-sheng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11674/zwyf.2014.0607
Abstract:Objectives]Partia1 root-zone irrigation( PRI)is a water-saving irrigation method,inc1uding a1ternate PRI( AI)and fixed PRI( FI)or Partia1 root-zone drying irrigation( PRD). With PRD,ha1f of root-zone is fu11y irrigated whi1e the other not irrigated during the growth stage of croP. With AI,the both sides of root-zone are a1ternative1y irrigated dePending on the growth stage and soi1 water condition. The effects of PRI at different water-contro1 durations during the ear1y jointing to tasse1ing stages on the Physio1ogica1 indices,dry matter accumu1ation and water use efficiency( WUE)of maize were investigated under different ferti1ization conditions,so as to Provide scientific basis for rationa1 irrigation and ferti1ization of maize.[Methods]A Pot exPeriment was conducted. Three irrigation methods with two irrigation 1eve1s each and two ferti1ization treatments were designed. The three irrigation methods inc1ude:conventiona1 irrigation( soi1 was even1y watered),a1ternate PRI( the two ha1ves of a Pot soi1 was a1ternate1y watered)and fixed PRI( on1y ha1f of the soi1 in the Pot was watered);two irrigation 1eve1s inc1ude:conventiona1 irrigation(70%-80%θf ,θf is fie1d caPacity)and mi1d water deficit(60%-70%θf );two ferti1ization treatments were 100% chemica1 N and 80% chemica1 N + 20% organic N. The three water-contro1 durations were 12,24 and 36 days from the jointing stage to tasse1ing stage. The 1eaf Photosynthetic rate,stomata1 conductance, the contents of ch1oroPhy11,carotenoid,so1ub1e sugar and Pro1ine,tota1 dry mass,water consumPtion and WUE of maize were measured.[Results]Different irrigation methods,irrigation 1eve1s and ratios of inorganic to organic N do not significant1y affect 1eaf Photosynthetic rate,stomata1 conductance,contents of ch1oroPhy11,carotenoid and so1ub1e sugar of maize at the ear1y and midd1e jointing stages and tasse1ing stage,and irrigation 1eve1 does not significant1y affect Pro1ine content of maize at the tasse1ing stage either,indicating that PRI,mi1d water deficit and combined aPP1ication of inorganic and organic N do not significant1y affect Physio1ogica1 indices. ComPared to conventiona1 irrigation,PRI at different water-contro1 duration does not significant1y affect tota1 dry mass and WUE, but significant1y reduces water consumPtion at the ear1y jointing to tasse1ing stages in most cases. However,under norma1 irrigation(70%-80%θf )and on1y chemica1 N treatment,PRI increases the WUE by 24. 4% and 16. 3%at 24 d( 1ater jointing stage)and 36 d( tasse1ing stage)after water contro1,resPective1y. Moreover,mi1d water deficit(60% -70%θf)and combined aPP1ication of inorganic and organic N(80% chemica1 N + 20% organic N)does not significant1y affect Physio1ogica1 indices,tota1 dry mass and WUE.[Conclusions]Partia1 root-zone irrigation at the jointing to tasse1ing stages significant1y reduces water consumPtion,whi1e it has 1imited effect on Physio1ogica1 indices and tota1 dry mass,thus it enhanced water use efficiency significant1y under norma1 irrigation with on1y chemica1 N.