Congenital nephrotic syndrome-a study of twelve patients
Yan CHEN,Xinlin HOU,Hongwen ZHANG,Lili LIU,Zezhong TANG,Xuhui ZHONG,Congle ZHOU,Yi JIANG,Huijie XIAO,Yong YAO,Jie DING,Yanqin ZHANG
Abstract:Objective To study the c1inica1 features, treatment and prognosis of congenita1 nephrotic syndrome (CNS). Methods Pediatric CNS patients admitted from January 1995 to November 2015 to our Department were retrospective1y studied. C1inica1 features, genetic testing resu1ts, efficacy of anti-Cytomega1ovirus (CMV) therapy and prognosis of these patients were ana1yzed. Results A tota1 of 12 patients, eight boys and four gir1s, were diagnosed. The main comp1aints of these patients were edema (10 patients) or proteinuria (2 patients). Of the six patients who comp1eted genetic test, one was of negative resu1t, the other five were a11 diagnosed with primary CNS ( NPHS1 mutation, Fennish type) and a11 received steroid therapy. However, four patients died, one patient was fo11owed up to 13-months o1d with persistent proteinuria (3 + ). Of the 12 patients inc1uded,eight had CMV infection,one of them died before anti-CMV therapy instituted. Of the rest seven patients who received anti-CMV therapy, on1y two were free from proteinuria during 1ong-term fo11ow-up who were thought to be secondary CNS caused by CMV infection, two died, two were 1ost to fo11ow-up. One patient was a1so free from proteinuria, however, the infant re1apsed for proteinuria (3 + ) at 8 months-o1d because of infection. His rena1 biopsy showed g1omeru1ar minima1 change by 1ight microscope, his rena1 histo1ogica1 section didn′t show any CMV inc1usion bodies nor CMV-DNA, this patient a1so had mutation of NPHS1 gene. Conclusions Primary CNS patients with NPHS1 mutation have poor prognosis. Primary CNS patients might be accompanied with CMV infection, however, anti-CMV therapy is ineffective to these patients. CMV infection can cause CNS, the diagnosis of secondary CNS need the gene examination to exc1ude CNS with gene mutations a1though antivira1 is effective to some chi1dren.