Anatomical and histochemical features of the bulbourethral glands in bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus)
Yiwei Luo,Haiyan Li,Yanhong Lv,Shaoqing Xu,Yanguang Liu,Na Zhang,Degui Wang,Baoping Shao,Jianlin Wang
Journal of Camel Practice and Research
Abstract:Anatomical and histochemical features of bulbourethral glands in the Bactrian camel were investigated by gross-anatomical, histological and histochemical methods, and also by transmission microscope. The bulbourethral glands are compound tubuloalveolar glands, surrounded by a capsule of dense connective tissue. The lobules of the glands are formed by secretory units and excretory ducts, which are both lined by a single epithelium of mucous cell with a basal nucleus. Three types of secretory unit, designated A, B and C, were observed in the glands. Type A is lined with high columnar cells and the cytoplasm contains lots of secretory granules, which are PAS-positive, Alcion Blue-positive but Toluidine blue-negitive. Type B is lined with pyramidal or cuboidal cells and the cytoplasm shows PAS-positive, Alcion Blue-positive and Toluidine Blue-positive. The ultrastructures of epithelial cell shows that amount of granules with different electron density occupy the most space in the cytoplasm. Secretory granules can contain round inclusion. The shape of the epithelium varies according to the different stage of the secretory cycle.