Measurement of 209 Bi Neutron Inelastic Scattering Cross Section with Prompt γ Ray Method
SUN Qi,WANG Zhaohui,ZHANG Qiwei,HUANG Hanxiong,REN Jie,RUAN Xichao,LIU Shilong,BAO Jie,LUAN Guangyuan,DING Yanyan,CHEN Xiongjun,NIE Yangbo,LIU Chao,ZHAO Qi,WANG Jincheng,HE Guozhu,DU Shubin
Abstract:Bismuth is widely used in advanced nuclear reactors such as lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) fast reactors, space reactors and so on. Its neutron nuclear data, especially the inelastic scattering cross sections have significant impact on safety and economics of these nuclear facilities. A facility for measurement of neutron reaction cross sections using prompt γ ray method based on the HI13 tandem accelerator was established at China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). Neutrons were produced using a D2 gas target bombarded with deuterons at 65, 80 and 95 MeV. The neutron target was positioned in the center of a shielding in size of 2 m×2 m×2 m composed of concrete, iron, lead and borated polyethylene. Neutrons were extracted at 0° with respect to the deuteron beam through a collimator made of copper, iron, polyethylene and lead. Neutron inelastic scattering cross sections at 90, 105 and 120 MeV were measured experimentally for 209Bi with a 209Bi sample in size of 50 mm×4 mm. A natural titanium sample in size of 50 mm×1 mm was used as the reference sample. By measuring production cross sections of the 983.5 keV γ rays produced when neutrons scattered inelastically off 48Ti nuclei, a normalization factor can be determined. 4 Clover detectors were used to measure produced γ rays. They were placed at 30°, 70°, 110° and 150° with respect to the deuteron beam. Lead shielding in thickness of approximately 2 cm was used for detector head to shield scattered γ rays. Timeofflight method was used to determine neutron energy, thus neutrons produced by DD breakup could be discriminated with neutrons produced by DD fusion. The energy and absolute efficiency were calibrated using 152Eu, 60Co, 22Na and 133Ba standard γ sources with known radioactive activities. A 508 cm×508 cm liquid scintillation detector was positioned at the end of neutron beam line to monitor the neutron fluxes passing through the samples. Two specific measurement angles at 110° and 150° were selected to obtain angleintegrated γ production cross sections by performing a simple linear summation of the partial cross sections measured at these angles. Talys 195 code was used to calculate ratios of γ production cross sections and total inelastic scattering cross sections. The experiment results were compared with other experiment data, data retrieved from ENDF/BⅧ0, JEFF33, JENDL40, ROSFOND2010 and CENDL31 evaluated nuclear data libraries as well as calculation by Talys 195 code with the default parameters. The results show that the tendency of these 3 measured energy points is similar to these results. For cross sections measured at 90 and 105 MeV, the results are closer to data calculated with Talys 195 code. For cross section measured at 120 MeV, it fits the ROSFOND2010 evaluated data better.