Common Characteristics of Balanced Yield Increase in a Large Area of Me-chanical Transplanted Rice in Jiangsu Province
DU Yong-Lin,MIAO Xue-Kuan,LI Gang-Hua,ZHANG Jun,WANG Shao-Hua,LIU Zheng-Hui,TANG She,DING Yan-Feng
Abstract:An experiment was conducted in a large area of representative fields in 26 high-yielding rice demonstration counties of Jiangsu Province with mechanical transplanting in 2009 and 2010. Fields planted with the same site, cultivar, sowing date and management were divided into three types based on the grain yield, including high grain yield fields (I, > 10.5 t ha–1), middle grain yield fields (II, 9.0-10.5 t ha–1) and low grain yield fields (III, < 9.0 t ha–1). Characteristics of yield components and the balance of plants space distribution were compared among the three types. The result showed that high-yielding fields had sig-nificantly higher spikelets per m2, panicles per m2, spikelets per panicle than the other types. There were no significant differences in spacing characteristics, which mainly includes row spacing, holes spacing and panicles per hole. There was significant differ-ence in the uniformity of panicles per hole among different types. There was significantly positive correlation between the uni-formity of panicles per hole and grain yield (r=0.436**, 2009; r=0.441**, 2010). Lengths of the top leaves were beneficial to the spikelets per panicle, but could decrease the grain-filling. These results suggested that it is an effective way to resolve the con-tradiction among rice yield components by improving the uniformity of panicle per m2 and spikelets per panicle. It is also a right way to improve grain yield of rice transplanted by machine in a large area of Jiangsu Province.