The community structure of macrozoobenthos and water quality assessment on different trophic types of reservoirs
XIONG Bang-Xi,LIU Min,YANG Xue-Fen,QIN Liang,CHEN Peng,XU Wei,LIU Jun-Li
Abstract:The community structure and biodiversity of macrozoobenthos were investigated and water quality was assessed with the four different trophic types of reservoirs in Hubei province from 2006 to 2007.A total of 39 taxa were identified,among which 14 were oligochaetes,19 were aquatic insects,and 6 were molluscs.Jinshahe Reservoir had 24 species of zoobenthos,Xujiahe Reservoir had 19,and Daoguanhe and Taoyuanhe Reservoir had 10.Dominant species were different from reservoirs.They were Aulodrilus pluriseta,Cryptochironomus sp.,Polypedilum Jinshahe reservoir,Limnodrilus helveticus,Procladius Xujiahe reservoir,and Aulodrilus pluriseta,Tanytarsus Taoyuanhe reservoir.However,Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and Tokunagayusurika akamusi were the dominant species in Daoguanhe Reservoir,where the water was polluted seriously.The average density and biomass of zoobenthos were 316.8ind·m-2 and 1294.3mg·m-2 in Jinshahe Reservoir,318.2ind·m-2 and 430.7mg·m-2 in Daoguanhe Reservoir,330.3ind·m-2 and 517.4mg·m-2 in Xujiahe Reservoir,209ind·m-2 and 325.3mg·m-2 in Taoyuanhe Reservoir.The average TN,TP and COD were 0.392-1.018mg·L-1,0.011-0.042mg·L-1 and 3.505-9.166mg·L-1,respectively.Water quality was assessed using both physical and chemical analyses,including Goodnight-Whitley index,Shannon-Wiener index,Margalef index,Simpson index and Pielou index.These analyses indicated that Jinshahe Reservoir was mesotrophic,Xujiahe and Taoyuanhe Reservoirs were meso-eutrophic and Daoguanhe Reservoir was eutrophic.Comparative analysis of the five indices suggested that the criteria of the Shannon-Wiener and Margalef indices need correction and improvement for water quality assessment of reservoirs,despite they are widely used Moreover,the Simpson index was found to be unsuitable for water quality assessment in deep reservoirs.Matrix analyses indicated that the density and species of aquatic insects declined with an increase of water depth and that oligochaetes were affected by TN and TP.The influence of TP on zoobenthos was more obvious than that of TN.No correlations were found among species of zoobenthos.