Progress on idiopathic membranous nephropathy

DING Xiao-qiang,LIU Chun-feng
Abstract:Idiopathic membranous nephropathy(IMN) is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults.The Pathogenesis of the disease remains unclear.Recent studies have detected some antibodies directed against neutral endopeptidase in newborns,M-type phospholipase-2 receptors,aldose reductase(AR) and manganese superoxide dismutase(SOD2) in adults with IMN.The natural course of the disease is variable,with about one-third of patients having spontaneous remission.However,follow-up lasting more than 10 years reported that 50%~60% of untreated patients died or ended with end-stage renal failure.The persistence of proteinuria and renal dysfunction are the risk factors of poor prognosis.Specific immunosuppressive therapies should be given to high risk IMN patients,including glucocorticoids,cytotoxic drugs,cyclosporine(CsA),tacrolimus,mycophenolate mofetil or others.To patients with low IMN risk,symptomatic treatment is enough.Anyhow,the therapeutic regimens of IMN should based on individual cases.Abstract:Summ ary:Id iopath ic m embranous nephropathy(IMN) is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrom e in adu lts.The Pathogenesis of the d isease rem ains unc lear.Recent stud ies have detected som e antibod ies d irected a-gainst neutral endopeptidase in newborns,M-type phospholipase-2 receptors,aldose reductase(AR) and m anga-nese superoxide d ismutase(SOD2) in adu lts w ith IMN.The natural course of the d isease is variab le,w ith about one-th ird of patients having spontaneous rem ission.However,follow-up lasting more than 10 years reported that 50% ~60% of untreated patients d ied or ended w ith end-stage renal failure.The persistence of prote inuria and re-nal dysfunction are the risk factors of poor prognosis.Spec ific immunosuppressive therap ies shou ld be given to h igh risk IMN patients,inc lud ing glucocorticoids,cytotoxic drugs,cyc losporine(CsA),tacrolimus,mycophenolate mof-etil or others.To patients w ith low IMN risk,symptom atic treatm ent is enough.Anyhow,the therapeutic regim ens of IMN shou ld based on ind ividual cases.
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