Structure of Nonlo cal Quark Vacuum Condensate in Non-p erturbative QCD Vacuum
Qianfei XIANG,Lijuan ZHOU,Weizhou JIANG,Weixing MA
Abstract:Based on the Dyson-Schwinger Equations (DSEs) with the rainbow truncation, and Op-erator Product Expansion, the structure of nonlocal quark vacuum condensate in QCD, described by quark self-energy functions Af and Bf given usually by the solutions of the DSEs of quark propagator, is predicted numerically. We also calculate the local quark vacuum condensate, quark-gluon mixed local vacuum condensate, and quark virtuality. The self-energy functions Af and Bf are given by the parameterized quark propagator functions σfv (p2) and σfs (p2) of Roberts and Williams, instead of the numerical solutions of the DSEs. Our calculated results are in reasonable agreement with those of QCD sum rules, Lattice QCD calculations, and instanton model predictions, although the result-ing local quark vacuum condensate for light quarks, u, d, s, are a little bit larger than those of the above theoretical predictions. We think the differences are caused by model dependence. The larger of strange quark vacuum condensate than u, d quark is due to the s quark mass which is more larger than u, d quark masses. Of course, the Roberts-Williams parameterized quark propagator is an empirical formulism, which approximately describes quark propagation.