Positive Solution for A Semilinear Elliptic Equation Which is Almost Linear at Infinity
H.-S. Zhou
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s000330050128
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Abstract:We consider the following elliptic equation: \(- \triangle u +\lambda u =f(x,u)u, x \in {R^N}, u \in {H^1} ({R^N}), N\geq 2,\) where \(\lambda >0, f(x,u)=f(|x|, u)\rightarrow Q(x) >0 \) as \(u\rightarrow +\infty, Q(x) \equiv Const.\;{\rm{or}}\;Q(x)\in {L^{\infty}} ({R^N})\). The nonlinear term f(x,u)u here no longer satisfies the usual condition: \(F(x,u){\triangle\atop =} \int_0^u f(x,s)sds \leq {1\over{2+\theta}}f(x,u) {u^2}, \rm \,{for} \, \theta >0, \rm \,{and}\, |u| \rm \,\,{is\,large},\) which is important in using the Mountain Pass Theorem. The aim of this paper is to discuss how to use the Mountain Pass Theorem to show the existence of nontrivial solution to the present problem without the above condition.