Determination of S-Genotypes in Chinese-Bred Pear Cultivars and Analysis of Nucleotide Sequences of New S-Alleles
Y. Y. Zhang,J. Wu,S. L. Zhang
Abstract:Total genomic DNAs were extracted from twenty-one Chinese-bred pear cultivars of unknown S-genotype. Partial S-alleles of these cultivars were isolated by S-RNase-specific PCR of Specific oligonucleotide primer (P1/P2). Two primer combinations were designed on the conserved regions C1 and C3 of pear S-alleles. The PCR products were cloned, sequenced and blasted in the GenBank. According to the identity of S-alleles, the S-genotypes of twenty-one cultivars were determined as follows: 'Hongtaiyang' (Pyrus communis Linn.) was S8Sd, 'Hululi' (P. communis Linn.) SaSb, 'Huochengdonghuangli' (P. bretschneideri Rehd.) S4S28, 'Hongli' (P. bretschneideri Rehd.) S4S12, 'Xiangchi' (P. bretschneideri Rehd.) S1S21, 'Bayuesu' (P. bretschneideri Rehd.) S3S31, 'Kuerlixiangli' (P, bretschneideri Rehd.) S21S28, 'Pingguoli' (P. bretschneideri Rehd.) S17S19, 'Xihuamake' (P. bretschneideri Rehd.) S17S31, 'Gaopingdahuang' (P. bretschneideri Rehd.) S1S2, 'Cuilv' (P. pyrifolia Nakai) S3S4, 'Taiwanmili' (P. pyrifolia Nakai) S1S22, 'Jingbai' (P. ussriensis Max.) S16S30, 'Zaoli 18' (P. ussriensis Max.) S4S28, 'Xiehuatian' (P. ussriensis Max.) S17S29, 'Nanguo' (P, ussriensis Max.) S1S17, 'Huangjuju' (P. sinkiangensis Yu) S17S22, 'Zaoshujuju' (P. sinkiangensis Yu) S17S19, 'Yilihongjuju' (P. sinkiangensis Yu) S22S28, 'Lanzhouchangba' (P. sinkiangensis Yu) S4S19, 'Naixiteamuti' (P. sinkiangensis Yu) S19S28. Three new alleles other than the alleles deposited in the EMBL GenBank were identified from 'Kuerlexiangli', 'Jingbai', 'Xihuamake', 'Huangshan', 'Wuxiang' and 'Huangsuanli'. Three S-alleles sequences (S-28, S-30, S-31) were deposited under the DDBJ accession number of AY562394, AY876945, DQ124366.