Cyber-class with Integrated Course Website Assisted Instruction
Kening Zhang,Hongbin Ma,Mengyin Fu
Abstract:Education is to produce high-quality "products", which are able to responsibly make contributions to the society with their intelligence and diligence. Education comes along with the human people as long as the human emerges in the earth, and "how to educate" has been a long-term persistent problem, which also varies with time and techniques, for everyone rather than only for educators. To improve the quality of education, modern techniques, such as projectors and slides, have been widely used in many education affiliations including universities, high schools and even some primary schools. In this contribution, facing with some inconveniences of current situation, an integrated course website is established for the sake of efficient and extensive instruction to graduate students. This website, whose design is mainly based on the modern Model-View-Control (M-V-C) principle provided by QeePHP framework, makes full use of modern computer and network techniques, including web server, ftp server, sql server, subversion server, telnet server and mail server, so as to promote information and idea exchange among teachers and students, which are very important to guarantee the quality of course instruction and can effectively extend traditional short-range face-to-face class to modern long-range peer-to-peer cyber-class. The practical teaching experience of experimental full-English course "Linear Systems Theory" assisted by this website has shown significant success, and the feedback from the students attended this course is very positive, which illustrates that this novel teaching mode is very welcome and promising.