Scaling properties at freeze-out in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
MM Aggarwal, Z Ahammed, AV Alakhverdyants, I Alekseev, J Alford, BD Anderson, CD Anson, D Arkhipkin, GS Averichev, J Balewski, LS Barnby, DR Beavis, R Bellwied, MJ Betancourt, RR Betts, A Bhasin, AK Bhati, H Bichsel, J Bielcik, J Bielcikova, B Biritz, LC Bland, W Borowski, J Bouchet, E Braidot, AV Brandin, A Bridgeman, E Bruna, S Bueltmann, I Bunzarov, TP Burton, XZ Cai, H Caines, M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, D Cebra, R Cendejas, MC Cervantes, Z Chajecki, P Chaloupka, S Chattopadhyay, HF Chen, JH Chen, JY Chen, J Cheng, M Cherney, A Chikanian, KE Choi, W Christie, P Chung, MJM Codrington, R Corliss, JG Cramer, HJ Crawford, S Dash, A Davila Leyva, LC De Silva, RR Debbe, TG Dedovich, AA Derevschikov, R Derradi de Souza, L Didenko, P Djawotho, SM Dogra, X Dong, JL Drachenberg, JE Draper, JC Dunlop, MR Dutta Mazumdar, LG Efimov, M Elnimr, J Engelage, G Eppley, B Erazmus, M Estienne, L Eun, O Evdokimov, R Fatemi, J Fedorisin, RG Fersch, E Finch, V Fine, Y Fisyak, Carl A Gagliardi, DR Gangadharan, MS Ganti, A Geromitsos, F Geurts, P Ghosh, YN Gorbunov, A Gordon, O Grebenyuk, D Grosnick, SM Guertin, A Gupta, W Guryn, B Haag, A Hamed, LX Han, JW Harris, JP Hays-Wehle, M Heinz, S Heppelmann, A Hirsch, E Hjort, GW Hoffmann, DJ Hofman, RS Hollis, B Huang, HZ Huang, TJ Humanic, L Huo, G Igo, A Iordanova, P Jacobs, WW Jacobs, C Jena, F Jin, J Joseph, EG Judd, S Kabana, K Kang, J Kapitan, K Kauder, D Keane, A Kechechyan, D Kettler, DP Kikola, J Kiryluk, A Kisiel, V Kizka, SR Klein, AG Knospe, A Kocoloski, DD Koetke, T Kollegger, J Konzer, I Koralt, L Koroleva, W Korsch, L Kotchenda, V Kouchpil, P Kravtsov, K Krueger, M Krus, L Kumar, P Kurnadi, MAC Lamont, JM Landgraf, S LaPointe, J Lauret
Abstract:Identified charged pion, kaon, and proton spectra are used to explore the system size dependence of bulk freeze-out properties in collisions at and 62.4 GeV. The data are studied with hydrodynamically motivated blast-wave and statistical model frameworks in order to characterize the freeze-out properties of the system. The dependence of freeze-out parameters on beam energy and collision centrality is discussed. Using the existing results from Au Au and collisions, the dependence of freeze-out parameters on the system size is also explored. This multidimensional systematic study furthers our understanding of the QCD phase diagram revealing the importance of the initial geometrical overlap of the colliding ions. The analysis of collisions expands the system size dependence studies from data with detailed measurements in the smaller system. The systematic trends of the …