Probing the Spectral Function Using Momentum Resolved Radio Frequency Spectroscopy in Trapped Fermi Gases

Qijin Chen,K. Levin
Abstract:Ultracold Fermi gases undergo BCS to Bose-Einstein con- densation (BEC) crossover via a Feshbach resonance which is tuned with variable magnetic field. Study of BCS-BEC crossover has been argued (1) to be important for under- standing high temperature superconductivity. These ultracold Fermi gases and their extensions to optical lattices are vie wed as quantum simulators of some of the most important prob- lems in condensed matter physics. However, due to the ex- treme small size of the Fermi gas cloud and the ultra low temperatures, the available experimental probes are limited by comparison with their condensed matter counterparts. Of par- ticular importance are measurements of the fermionic spec- tral functions, A(k, ω) for which angle resolved photoemis- sion spectroscopy (ARPES) has been so powerful in electronic systems. It is clear that counterpart experimental probes o f A(k, ω), in the ultracold gases are crucial to progress. Recent experiments on 40K from the JILA group (2) have now demonstrated that it is possible to measure these spec- tral functions using momentum resolved RF pairing gap spec- troscopy over a range of magnetic fields throughout the BCS- BEC crossover. There is a substantial advantage of using 40K over the more widely studied 6Li since, for the usual Fesh- bach resonance around 202 G, there are no nearby competing resonances to introduce complications from final state inte r- actions. In this Letter we address the theoretical basis beh ind these measurements and demonstrate that this momentum re- solved RF technique has, in principle, the same capabilities as that of ARPES. We then show that this technique can be used to shed light on the recent controversy (3) about the ori- gin of double peak structure seen in previous (4) momentum- integrated RF spectra, as to whether it has to do with pairing or bound state effects. Both our calculations and the mea- surements in Ref. (2) of the momentum resolved RF spectral weight support the interpretation that a generic double peak structure in 40K is associated with paired atoms near the trap center and unpaired atoms near the trap edge. Importantly, we find that, near unitarity, the spectral func - tion has a significant temperature variation. As in ARPES measurements of the temperature dependent spectral function these experiments can provide evidence for the presence of a normal state gap or pseudogap above Tc at unitarity. Indeed, a central focus of the cuprate literature has been to address t he evolution of angle resolved photoemission experiments from above to below Tc. This focus provides the motivation for the present work, which addresses the counterpart to these exper- iments in the cold Fermi gases. Our work is based on a for- malism that has been successfully applied to to ARPES mea- surements (5) in the high temperature superconductors. The corresponding physical picture of the pseudogap which opens at a temperature T ∗ > Tc is that it arises from a stronger-than- BCS attraction leading to preformed, normal state pairs. The famous BCS paper highlights an additional challenge which must be met by theory: namely, explaining a smooth or sec- ond order phase transitionat Tc. In the presence of BCS-BEC crossover we find that the transition should also be second or - der. This is at odds (6, 7) with widespread predictions of firs t order behavior in the literature.
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