Spatial Specificity in Attentional Modulation of Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex in Rats.
Yu Ding,Liangjie Chen,Qingxin Meng,Liang Li
Experimental Brain Research
Abstract:Prepulse inhibition (PPI), the suppression of the startle reflex when the startling stimulus is shortly preceded by a weaker non-startling sensory stimulus (prepulse), can be enhanced by selective attention to the prepulse with a marked prepulse-feature specificity. To determine if the attentional modulation of PPI in rats can also be perceptual location specific, this study investigated whether fear-conditioning of a prepulse perceived at a location can enhance PPI only when the conditioned prepulse is perceived at that conditioned location. A continuous narrowband noise (NBN) was delivered by each of the two spatially separated loudspeakers in the frontal azimuth with a silent gap embedded in each NBN. The inter-loudspeaker interval was 1 ms (either left or right loudspeaker leading). Due to the precedence effect, both the NBN and gap images were perceived at the leading loudspeaker. The perceptually fused gap was used as the prepulse. To fear-condition one gap prepulse, which was perceived at one loudspeaker, the prepulse was paired with footshock in a temporally precise manner and the other gap (the conditioning-control prepulse) perceived at the other (opposite) loudspeaker was paired with footshock in a random manner. Compared to PPI before conditioning, PPI induced by the fear-conditioned gap perceived at the fear-conditioned loudspeaker, but not that by the conditioning-control gap, was significantly enhanced. Thus, attentional modulation of PPI can be not only prepulse-feature specific, but also perceptual location specific, and involves combined central processes for content and location information.