Band Structure of Surface Terminated Silicon Nanowire

S. You,M. Gao,Y. Wang
Abstract:Silicon nanowires (SiNW) exhibit interesting physical properties that are noticeably different from those of the bulk and they are among the most competitive candidates of nanoscale building blocks. The advent of nanotechnology made it possible to fabricate SiNWs with diameters of several nanometers [1-3]. Simulations have also been done to predict the feasibility of potential electronic devices applications [4-7]. However, most of the simulation works focus on [100] hydrogen-passivated SiNWs(SiNWH), while recent experiments have provided convincing evidence that the SiNWs grown by experiments were mostly along the [110] and [112] direction and covered by an oxide sheath[1]. In this paper, we present a systematic theoretical study of O-passivated SiNW(SiNWO) along [100] and [110] directions for the first time. Also, SiNWH is brought into comparison. We fix our attention on the electronic properties such as the band gap, density of state (DOS), projected DOS (PDOS), and effective masses (EM) as functions of Si core orientation and dimension. These properties are all relevant to the performance of ultra-scaled FETs built with SiNWs. We consider [100]-oriented crystalline SiNW whose cross section has the shape of a square with four equivalent side faces corresponding to the (110) surfaces of bulk silicon. The corresponding diameter varies from 0.815nm to 5.16nm. As for the [110]-oriented SiNW, the cross section has the shape of a hexagon with two side faces of (100) and four side faces of (111). The corresponding diameter varies from 0.77nm to 3.16nm. Hydrogen or Oxygen atoms passivate all the dangling bonds at the surface of SiNW. First principle density functional theory (DFT) calculation was employed, with the interaction between the ions and electrons described by ultra-soft pseudo-potentials and the electron exchange-correlation potential treated with the generalized gradient approximation in PW91 form. According to the calculation, SiNWH and SiNWO of both [100] and [110] direction are direct band gap semiconductors, with the valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM) at Γ point. Quantum confinement effect results in larger band gaps and distinct variation of effective mass in the transport direction. Generally speaking, the energy gap and the hole EM of SiNWO are both smaller than those of SiNWH of the same size. We will discuss below in the case of different orientation. [100] SiNW Fig.1 shows the effective masses of H and O passivated [100] SiNW at (a) the VBM and (b) the CBM. As the result of quantum confinement, the effective mass of band edge is increasing with the decreasing of wire thickness. The electron effective masses of [100] SiNWH and SiNWO for the thick wires correspond to the electron transverse EM of bulk Si (in our calculation, mt of bulk Si is 0.21m0) which is consistent with other reports. The EM of hole for the thickest SiNWH is 1.03m0, which is about four times heavier than that for the [100] bulk heavy hole (also observed by TB calculation in [7]), while the hole effective mass of SiNWO is only 0.5m0.
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