An Evaluation of Low-frequency Liquidity Proxies:An Empirical Analysis Based on the Chinese Stock Market
Xiao-yuan WAN,Chao-jun YANG,Da-yong LV
Abstract:Using the high-frequency transaction data from 2006 to 2015 in the Chinese stock market,we compute liquidity benchmarks of three dimensions—width,depth,and price impact,and run horseraces of low-frequency liquidity proxies, which are commonly used in the literature of past two decades,against liquidity benchmarks. Based on three performance metrics,i.e.,average cross-sectional correlation, portfolio time-series correlation, and prediction error, our empirical results show that in the Chinese stock market, RollKLis the best low-frequency liquidity proxy in the width dimension;trading volume is the best low-frequency liquidity proxy in the depth dimension; AmihudYCJis the best low-frequency liquidity proxy in the price impact dimension and Amihud is also a good one. This paper provides a reference for future studies on liquidity in the Chinese stock market.