Influence of Tidal Volume on Evaluation of Volume State by Stroke Volume Variation in Pigs with Ventilation

LIU Ning,GU Qin,YU Jian-feng,SUN Dong-mei,LIU Yang
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the influence of tidal volume on the accuracy of stroke volume variation(SVV) to predict volume state of pigs with v entilation.Methods Thirty-six healthy pigs were anesthetized after tracheal int ubation and ventilated.With the envelope method,they were randomized into a nor movolemia group,a hemaerrhagic shock group,and a hypervolemia group,with 12 pigs in each group.The pigs in the hemaerrhagic shock group were removed 20 perce nt of blood,and the pigs in the hypervolemia group received additional infusion of 20 percent 6% hydroxyethyl starch.In each group,ventilator settings were ch anged in a randomized order by changing VT [VT=5 mL/kg(VT5),VT=10 mL/kg(VT10),and VT=15 mL/kg(VT15)].Hemodynamic measurements [heart rat e(HR),mea n arterial boold pressure(MAP),systemic vascular resistance index(SVRI), cardiac index(CI),stroke volume index(SVI),intrathoracic blood volume index(I TBVI),and SVV] were obtained after 10 minutes of stabilization.Resu lts SVV was increased in the hemaerrhagic shock group comparing with the normovolemia grou p for VT10 [(21±5)% vs.(11±2)%,P<0.05],but SVV was decr eased in the hype rvolemia group comparing with the normovolemia group [(7±2)% vs.(11±2)%,P<0.05].The variation tendency for VT15 was the same with VT10,mo re over SVV wer e all above 12% for the hemaerrhagic shock group,the normovolemia group,and th e hypervolemia group [(30±7)%,(19±3)%,and(15±4)%].There were no sign ificant diffrences among the hemaerrhagic shock group,hypervolemia group and normovolemia group [(8±6)%,(7±5)%,and(7±4)%,P>0.05] for VT5.Conclusions SVV was a precise indicator of cardiac prel oad,but SVV was less sensitive to the changes of volume during low tidal volume(5 mL/kg) ventilation.The thres hold of SVV for predicting fluid responsiveness maybe above 12% with a high tidal v olume(15 mL/kg) ventilation.
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