Value of Scrotal Ultrasonography and Transrectal Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Congenital Bilateral Absence of the Vas Deferens
Li-ming YANG,Feng-hua LI,Jing DU,Zheng LI
Abstract: Objective: To assess the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD). Methods: The scrotal ultrasonography (US) and transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) manifestations of 380 CBAVD patients were retrospectively analyzed, which mainly included epididymis, scrotal segments and last segments of vas deferens, and seminal vesicle. Results : All the ultrasonic probe patients presented abnormal sonogram: 752 epididymis of 376 cases presented abnormal sonogram, abnormality rate was 99% (752 /760), including epididymal heads presented uneven echo and tubular ectasia, epididymal heads pre- sented tubular ectasia, epididymal bodys presented epididymal duct ectasia, epididymal bodys presented absent, epididymal bodys presented tapering, epididymal tails presented epididymal duct ectasia, epididymal tails presented absent; 706 scrotal segments of vas deferens of 365 cases presented abnormal sonogram, abnormality rate was 93% (706/760), including bilateral absence, bilateral tapering, bilateral tenuity, unilateral normal and contralateral absence, unilateral tapering and contralateral absence; 605 last segments of vas deferens of 335 cases prerented abnormal sonogram, abnormality rate was 80% (605/760), including bilateral absence, unilateral normal and con- tralateral absence, unilateral tapering and contralateral absence; 726 seminal vesicle of 369 cases presented abnor- mal sonogram, abnormality rate were 97% (726/760), including bilateral absence, unilateral normal and contralat- eral absence, unilateral hypogenesis and contralateral absence, bilateral dilation, unilateral malformation structure in the position of seminal vesicle and contralateral absence. Conclusion: Scrotal US and TRUS can clearly display varieties of heteroplasia structures of deferential duct of CBAVD patient, and can provide credible sonogram evidence for diagnosis and treatment of the CBAVD patient.