Responses of Lipid Biomarkers (sterols and Fatty Acids (fas) ) to Multiple Environmental in Common Marine Diatoms and Dinoflagellates in Laboratory Experiments.
Zhong Cao,Rong Bi,Chuanli Zhang,Jiaxuan Cui,Lili Li,Yang Ding,Meixun Zhao
Abstract:In the monospecific cultures of two algal species, i.e., P. tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae; strain MACC/B254) and P. minimum (Dinophyceae; strain HYESL63), we investigated responses of lipid biomarkers (sterols and fatty acids (FAs)) to different temperatures (12, 18 and 24℃), nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and their molar ratios (N:P ratios) of 10:1, 24:1 and 63:1, for quantifying the multiple environmental controls on lipid biomarkers in common marine diatoms and dinoflagellates. Algal cells were counted daily with an improved Neubauer hemacytometer (Glaswarenfabrik Karl Hecht GmbH) under a microscope (Olympus CX41). To analyze particulate organic carbon (POC), sterols and FAs, algal cells at steady-state conditions were harvested on pre-combusted GF/F filters (Whatman) after filtering 15-30 mL of cultures depending on cell density in the culture flask and the parameters to be determined. Samples were kept at − 80℃ after filtration. POC was determined by an elemental analyzer (Thermo Flash 2000) (Sharp 1974 Sterols and FAs were analyzed according to the methods in Eglinton et al. (1996, Galy et al. (2011 and Zhao et al. (2006 Briefly, total lipids were extracted from freeze-dried filter samples using a mixture of dichloromethane and methanol with a volume ratio of 3:1. C19 n-alkanol and nonadecanoic acid were added as internal standards. The extracts were then hydrolyzed with 6% KOH in methanol. Afterward, a “neutral” fraction was extracted with hexane, and an “acid” fraction was subsequently extracted with hexane after acidification to pH = 1. A polar fraction, containing sterols, was eluted from the “neutral” fraction with a mixture of dichloromethane and methanol (95:5) using silica gel chromatography and silylated using N, O-bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide at 70℃ for 1 h. The “acid” fraction that contained FAs was derivatized with a mixture of methanol and HCl (95:5) at 70℃ for 12 h. The trimethylsilyl ether derivatives of sterols and fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were analyzed in a gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies 8890A) equipped with a flame ionization detector, and a HP-1 column (50 m, 0.32 mm i.d., 0.17 μm film; Agilent J&W) and a SP-2560 column (100 m, 0.25 mm i.d., 0.20 μm film; Supelco) for sterol and FAME analysis, respectively. The identification of sterols was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis at 70 eV using an Agilent 7890B GC (HP-5MS column; 30 m, 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 μm film; Agilent J&W) connected to an Agilent MSD 5977B mass selective detector (ion source temperature 230℃). Sterols were identified be comparison of the mass spectra of their trimethylsilyl ether derivatives to those of published GC-MS values (Lisboa et al. 1982; Taipale et al. 2016, based on the molecular ion and prominent ions. The following sterols were identified: brassicasterol/epi-brassicasterol,and dinosterol. FAs were identified with reference to the standard Supelco 37 component FAME mixture. C-normalized (on a per POC basis; μg mgC-1) and per-cell (pg cell-1) contents of sterols and FAs were presented, and FA proportions (% of total fatty acids (TFAs)) were also reported in the dataset.