Linguistic Phonetics and Pan-Chronic Phonology:A New Theory
ZHU Xiao-nong
Abstract:Phonetics and linguistics are two research disciplines with an intersection.This intersecting area is called 'linguistic phonetics' in phonetics,and 'pan-chronic phonology'(音法学) in linguistics.This paper proposes a new theoretical framework for pan-chronic phonology,based on the recent years' work conducted by the author.Pan-chronic phonology employs experimental phonetics as its powerful research tools to explore the phonetic nature of speech sounds,their organization in a language and their distributions in the world's languages,and to examining the mechanism of the phonological evolution.In this new framework the syllable is the fundamental unit,and the segment(linear syllabic components) and phonation(non-linear components) are the two basic categories.Segments are the subject to study in traditional phonetics and phonology,but their definitions should be updated and their description,especially vowels,should be based on acoustic parameters.Phonation,or laryngeal activities,can be divided into four major categories: phonation modes,sub-modes,supraphonationals,and phonation-like sounds.Different phonation modes can define three phonological/tonological registers,each of which contains four pitch levels.Together they constitute a Multi-Register and Four-Level(RL) tonal model to describe contour tones in human languages.Within this theoretical framework the world's languages can be divided into two types: the MOUTH/segment type and the LARYNX/phonation type.In the mouth type languages there are numerous kinds of phonotactic combinations,but with few phonation contrasts,while in the larynx type languages there are complicated non-linear components,but the phonotactic combinations are much simpler.With the help of this new theory,studies of the phonological evolution have been made substantial progress in recent years.New findings in this area include(1) phonation types as the phonetic cause of tononegesis,(2) zhuoyin,the 'muddy' sounds with slack voice,in Chinese and many southern Asian languages differ from the modal voiced consonants in,say,French and English.(3) zhuoyin qinghua('devoicing'),therefore,involves two different processes: the evolutionary cycle of 'modal voice-voiceless unaspiration-implosive' and the forth-and-back chain of 'voiceless aspiration-slack voice'.(4) Three ways of the development of rusheng.