Effect of Fertilizer and Density on Maize
Li Wanxing,Liu Yongzhong,Cao Jinjun,Jin kunpeng,Zhao Wenyuan,Wang Honglan
Abstract:This experiment through research the application of N,P,K,Organic fertilizers and planting density of corn agronomic characters and yield the effects,provide a theoretical basis and guidance for high-yielding maize.The test uses two factors crack zone design,set advocate the area for A total of fertilizer factor four levels,namely the A1 (N:150 kg/hm 2,P2O5:90 kg/hm 2,K2O:45kg/hm 2);A2 (N:300 kg/hm 2,P2O5:180 kg/hm 2,K2O:90 kg/hm 2);A3 (N:450 kg/hm 2,P2O5:270 kg/hm 2,K2O:135 kg/hm 2);A4 (N:450 kg/hm 2,P2O 5:270 kg/hm 2,K2O:135 kg/hm 2,organic fertilizer:7200kg/hm 2).Set deputy district for B total of density factor six levels,namely the B1:108000 plant/hm 2,B2:96000 plant/hm 2,B3:84000 plant/hm 2,B4:72000 plant/hm 2,B5:60000 plant/hm 2,B6:48000 plant/hm 2.The experiment had 24 treatments and 3 replications.The results showed that the fertilizer and density had obvious effects on the agronomic characteristics and yield of maize.In four fertilizer treatments,A4 treatment in spike length,diameter,number of grains per ear,kernel weight and yield was the highest value.Density on the spike length,diameter,rows per ear,kernel weight and yield have a significant and very significant impact,basically as the density increased the length,diameter,kernel number,kernel weight in the lower.But the yield is increased,when the density of 96000/hm 2 yield was the highest and then decline.The highest yield was A4B2 combination (12513.0 kg/hm 2).